Back from Code Blue
Stock No: WW53350X
Back from Code Blue  -     By: Cathy White

Back from Code Blue

Higherlife Development Service / 2022 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW53350X

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Stock No: WW53350X
Higherlife Development Service / 2022 / Paperback

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Product Information

Title: Back from Code Blue
By: Cathy White
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 220
Vendor: Higherlife Development Service
Publication Date: 2022
Dimensions: 8.90 X 5.90 X 0.60 (inches)
Weight: 11 ounces
ISBN: 1954533500
ISBN-13: 9781954533509
Stock No: WW53350X

Publisher's Description

Back from Code Blue by Cathy White is the unique and inspiring account of Dr. Harry White's journey from near-fatal heart failure, through forty-four days of hospitalization, to his return to home, family, and full health. Readers experience Harry's day-by-day traumas and successes through Cathy's daily posts, the emails and messages received from friends around the world, and Cathy's further reflections as she remembers those difficult days. The amazing support of friends, their prayers and offers of help, the genuinely funny texts which provided laughter in trying times, all these plus Harry's own strength and determination contribute to his remarkable recovery. In the words of one of Harry's friends, "This has been some story! Non-fiction with ups and downs, tears and laughter, high suspense and sighs of relief . . . articulate daily first-person accounts of events, an incredible cast of characters that we've come to know and love, a courageous, inspiring hero along with a beautiful, astonishing heroine, plus the handsome, athletic son . . . The main themes included a love story, a hero's journey, being touched by the Divine, prayers and angels, and the mystery: How could

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