My Awesome Field Guide to North American Birds: Find and Identify Your Feathered Friends
Stock No: WW763545
My Awesome Field Guide to North American Birds: Find and Identify Your Feathered Friends  -     By: Mike Graf

My Awesome Field Guide to North American Birds: Find and Identify Your Feathered Friends

Rockridge Press / 2021 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW763545

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Stock No: WW763545
Rockridge Press / 2021 / Paperback

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Product Description

Get ready to watch and listen to the hidden world of birds! My Awesome Field Guide to North American Birds is a complete handbook for young birders. Kids will learn all about the birds that live around them, from Chimney Swifts to Horned Larks, and find step-by-step guidance on how to identify them. With clever bird-watching tips and tons of beautiful photos, they'll discover the habitats where different species thrive and start planning their own birding adventures. In addition, 50 blank field log pages are included so kids can keep track of the birds they’ve encountered. 200 pages, softcover. Ages 8 to 12.

Product Information

Title: My Awesome Field Guide to North American Birds: Find and Identify Your Feathered Friends
By: Mike Graf
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 200
Vendor: Rockridge Press
Publication Date: 2021
Dimensions: 8.5 X 5.5 (inches)
Weight: 12 ounces
ISBN: 1648763545
ISBN-13: 9781648763540
Stock No: WW763545

Author Bio

MIKE GRAF teaches 4th and 5th grade, as well as GATE education and child development. He has written more than 95 books for children, families, and teachers, and enjoys writing about national parks, animal encounters, geography, and more. Find him at

Editorial Reviews

"Mike Graf presents a fine introduction to birds and birding, covering such diverse topics such as binocular use, bird observation, bird identification, avian evolution, and physical structures along with their purpose. I especially like the unique tidbits about each covered species, which I think will draw young readers better than a standard field guide would." —Wayland (Skip) Augur, bird trip leader and publicity volunteer, Altacal Audubon Society
"We all could use some time outdoors exploring the beauty that birds bring to our world. My Awesome Field Guide to North American Birds will encourage all of us to get outside and learn about the birds we encounter in nature. Enticing bird photos and descriptions will have us identifying all kinds of birds at our backyard feeder in no time." —Kevin Thomas, wildlife biologist and birding tour leader
"It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s My Awesome Field Guide to North American Birds. This hybrid of a book is an intro to birds and bird watching, a mini field guide of common North American birds, and a field notebook all inside one cover. A rare bird of books that is concise, colorful, and sure to be helpful for young birders." —Michael Elsohn Ross, Yosemite birding guide and author of Plantology and the forthcoming John James Audubon and His World of Birds For Kids
"This wonderful primer for the beginning birder has all the information needed to begin your love affair with our feathered friends. It is an engaging introduction to the whole world of avian adventure, and much more. Having introduced many of all ages to this most rewarding past-time, I wish I had had Mike’s book over the years to present to them. Whether you are reading it comfortably settled in your armchair, or out in the field with binoculars in hand, you will love it!" —Marvey Chapman Mueller, retired eco-tour guide and Snow Goose Festival advisory board member
"Mike Graf’s attention to detail in nature will engage readers of all ages. Vivid graphics and bold vocabulary guide the reader through extensive birding information. Numerous field notebook pages allow space to collect observations and enhance the learning experience. Perfect for budding ornithologists, libraries, homeschool families, and adults!" —Melanie Bowline, school library media specialist, teacher, and blogger

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