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By What Authority?: Foundations for Understanding Authority in the Church, Revised edition
Product Description
▼▲Few topics are as important, or as controversial, as the proper role and exercise of authority in the Roman Catholic Church. Inspired by Pope Francis's bold rereading and determined implementation of the teaching of Vatican II, Richard Gaillardetz has completely revised and expanded his book By What Authority? It offers a helpful introduction to the nature and forms of church authority and their relationship to authentic Christian belief and discipleship. Gaillardetz offers theologically clear and pastorally insightful considerations of:
- the character of divine revelation, the authority of Scripture and tradition
- the role of the pope and bishops in preserving the Christian faith
- the levels of church teaching authority, the central faith witness of all the baptized
- the possibility of disagreements with church teaching, and the proper relationship between theologians, the magisterium, and the whole people of God
- the authority of the believing community and the controversial questions that arise when there are conflicting interpretations of church teaching.
Product Information
▼▲Title: By What Authority?: Foundations for Understanding Authority in the Church, Revised edition By: Richard R. Gaillardetz Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 264 Vendor: Liturgical Press Academic Publication Date: 2018 | Dimensions: 9.00 X 6.00 X 0.50 (inches) Weight: 12 ounces ISBN: 0814687881 ISBN-13: 9780814687888 Stock No: WW687888 |
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Author Bio
▼▲Richard R. Gaillardetz (1958-2023), held the Joseph Chair of Catholic Systematic Theology at Boston College. He published numerous articles and authored or edited twelve books, including An Unfinished Council: Vatican II, Pope Francis, and the Renewal of Catholicism and Keys to the Council: Unlocking the Teaching of Vatican II (co-authored with Catherine Clifford), both published by Liturgical Press. He was a contributor to Give Us This Day. Gaillardetz was a delegate on the US Catholic-Methodist Ecumenical Dialogue and served as president of the Catholic Theological Society of America between 2013 and 2014.
Editorial Reviews
▼▲"Of special merit is the Disputed Questions feature that challenges us to wrestle with matters not yet firmly settled. These Disputed Questions invite readers and classroom students into the creative process of discernment, learning, and teaching that must involve all members of the church at every level and in every place."
magisterium;' and the various forms for the exercise of the pastoral teaching office by bishops and popes. The strength of his presentation is its description of the interdependence and constant interaction of the pastoral teaching office with the
sense' of all the baptized faithful, including the community of theologians, as the whole church, guided by the Spirit, seeks to discern the meaning and the demands of the gospel. Particularly helpful is the sensible discussion of disagreement in the life of the Church. An excellent resource, this book should be required reading for anyone seeking to understand Catholic tradition and ecclesial life."questions at the conclusion of each chapter."
Newman Studies Journal
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