Authentic Managerial Leadership
Stock No: WW796092
Authentic Managerial Leadership  -     By: Robert A. Orr

Authentic Managerial Leadership

Xulon Press / 2011 / Paperback

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Xulon Press / 2011 / Paperback

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Product Information

Title: Authentic Managerial Leadership
By: Robert A. Orr
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 168
Vendor: Xulon Press
Publication Date: 2011
Dimensions: 8.40 X 10.90 X 0.60 (inches)
Weight: 1 pound 5 ounces
ISBN: 1613796099
ISBN-13: 9781613796092
Stock No: WW796092

Publisher's Description

Robert A. Orr lives a fulfilling life which began with his birth in Argentina, his boyhood and teenage years in Brazil, and his college education and pilot's training in Canada. He served as a trainer and pilot for seventeen years in Brazil and returned to Canada where he and his wife Adriana now live. With a passion, burden and commitment to address and meet the blatant need for authentic leadership and management training, Robert continues to teach and mentor Christian leaders and "leaders-in-the-making" around the world. Three of his objectives are: 1.Provide this resource material in many languages, 2.Make this resource tool widely available to Christian workers, missions, ministries and the Church, 3.Assist in meeting the crying need for a new, strong, youthful, motivated, energetic and visionary authentic managerial leadership characterized by godly principles and learned managerial skills. What a massive amount of research has gone into this very fine guide. I wish I could have had a copy of something like this 30 years ago I trust that it is getting into the hands of a large number of leaders and managers in our Christian community who can certainly use the guidance and direction you supply. I was most pleased to note the number of times you quoted me and my writings in the manual. I'm complemented I was pleased to note that it is being translated into other languages for leaders in other cultures. I trust that God will continue to use you and this type of training material to His glory for many years to come. (Dr. Ted W. Engstrom, President Emeritus, World Vision)

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