The Atonement: A Biblical, Theological, and Historical Study of the Cross of Christ
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The Atonement: A Biblical, Theological, and Historical Study of the Cross of Christ  -     By: David L. Allen

The Atonement: A Biblical, Theological, and Historical Study of the Cross of Christ

B&H Academic / 2019 / Paperback

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Product Description

The atonement of Christ is the heart of Christianity. Christians are not only a people of the Book, but a people of the cross.

In this accessible resource, author David L. Allen carefully summarizes the doctrine of the atonement, with definitions of key terms, discussion of key Old and New Testament texts, and a survey of the historical theories of the atonement. Addressing topics like the atonement’s necessity, nature, intent, extent, and application, The Atonement answers questions such as, "is the atonement actual or potential?" and "is the blood of Christ wasted on those who are eternally lost?" This book will be a go-to resource for all those who wish to understand what Christ accomplished on the cross by his death.

Product Information

Title: The Atonement: A Biblical, Theological, and Historical Study of the Cross of Christ
By: David L. Allen
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 256
Vendor: B&H Academic
Publication Date: 2019
Dimensions: 9.00 X 6.00 X 0.63 (inches)
Weight: 1 pound 1 ounce
ISBN: 1462767419
ISBN-13: 9781462767410
Stock No: WW767412

Author Bio

David L. Allen is the dean of the School of Preaching, distinguished professor of preaching, director of the Southwestern Center for Expository Preaching, and George W. Truett Chair of Ministry at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Editorial Reviews

"Anyone familiar with the works of David Allen knows the comprehensive research that undergirds his writings. This book is no different. The depth and breadth of his study is encyclopedic. The title itself tells you what you will find and you will not be disappointed. There also is a passionate defense within these pages both for universal atonement and penal substitution. I find Allen’s argument compelling and, even if you do not, there still will be great value in engaging what he has written." 
— Daniel L. Akin, president, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

"David Allen has produced a judicious exposition of biblical teaching on the atonement, simultaneously informed by church history, engaging with the latest research in biblical and systematic theology, while seeking to inspire preachers to set before their congregations Jesus Christ and him crucified. This is atonement theology by a preacher and for preachers."
—Michael F. Bird, academic dean, lecturer in theology, Ridley College, Melbourne, Australia
"David Allen’s The Atonement: A Biblical, Theological, and Historical Study of the Cross of Christ is well argued and clearly written. It is persuasive and it is concise. This is a book that should be read by every preacher, every professor of theology, and every student in seminary. No topic is more important and I know of no book that covers the topic this well. I recommend it with enthusiasm."  
— Craig A. Evans, John Bisagno Distinguished Professor of Christian Origins, Houston Baptist University 
"David Allen’s new book is an insightful and illuminating treatment of the crucial doctrine of the atonement, which includes an unusual and refreshing combination of careful exposition of Scripture, close attention to historical theology, and nuanced and compelling systematic analysis. Allen deftly addresses an impressively wide array of questions and issues, advancing the conversation with a clear, consistent, and deeply biblical theology of the atonement, which displays the breadth and depth of God’s love and mercy without compromising God’s justice or pitting divine love and justice against one another. This splendid book is sure to be profitable for a wide readership."
—John C. Peckham, professor of theology and Christian philosophy, Andrews University
"The doctrine of the cross of Christ is of first importance for the Christian faith and grasping its meaning and significance is every Christian’s privilege, joy and duty. This book is a wonderfully concise and lucid account of the teaching of the Bible and the history of Christian thought on the glorious message of the cross. Highly recommended." 
—Brian Rosner, principal, Ridley College, Melbourne, Australia


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