At His Feet
Stock No: WW919629
At His Feet  -     By: Marty Wilkinson

At His Feet

Xulon Press / 2009 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW919629

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Stock No: WW919629
Xulon Press / 2009 / Paperback

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Product Information

Title: At His Feet
By: Marty Wilkinson
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 316
Vendor: Xulon Press
Publication Date: 2009
Dimensions: 5.00 X 8.00 X 0.71 (inches)
Weight: 12 ounces
ISBN: 1607919621
ISBN-13: 9781607919629
Stock No: WW919629

Publisher's Description

Wouldn't it be wonderful to hear the voice of Jesus every day? What would He tell you about our nation? Would He be pleased with the church today? What would He say to you, personally? These questions and more are addressed in Marty Wilkinson's book, "At His Feet." Through years of prayer, earnest seeking and intercession, God has spoken His heart to her and she has carefully written down His messages. These words are not her words; they are His. You will hear what His heart is saying to your heart. Listen as He speaks of the condition of our nation and our church. Be motivated, challenged and encouraged in your daily walk. Let His words draw you into a place of intimacy and fellowship. He is waiting. Marty Wilkinson is a prophetic intercessor whose passion is to see the body of Christ return to their Hebraic (Jewish) roots. It is her desire to see the church embrace Jesus the Messiah in His fullness. The prophetic anointing on Marty's life comes forth as she teaches and ministers to the people of God. She will challenge you to deepen your walk with God, pray more fervently, and create a new love for God's word. The prophetic mantle upon her will call you to salvation and an intimate relationship with God so you will be equipped to stand is these last days. Marty and her husband, Wayne have been married for forty-seven years. They have three children, nine grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

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