The Awe of God: The Astounding Way a Healthy Fear of God Transforms Your Life
Stock No: WW336708
The Awe of God: The Astounding Way a Healthy Fear of God Transforms Your Life  -     By: John Bevere

The Awe of God: The Astounding Way a Healthy Fear of God Transforms Your Life

Thomas Nelson / 2023 / Hardcover

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Stock No: WW336708

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Thomas Nelson / 2023 / Hardcover

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Product Description

Biblical men and women who lived and finished well had one common characteristic: holy reverence of God. Taking a fresh look at what it means to "work out your salvation with fear and trembling," Bevere shows you why it is the foundation of understanding, divine direction, finding freedom from human opinions, being conformed to Christ's image, and more. 304 pages, hardcover from Nelson.

Product Information

Title: The Awe of God: The Astounding Way a Healthy Fear of God Transforms Your Life
By: John Bevere
Format: Hardcover
Number of Pages: 304
Vendor: Thomas Nelson
Publication Date: 2023
Dimensions: 9.25 X 6.25 X 1.00 (inches)
Weight: 16 ounces
ISBN: 1400336708
ISBN-13: 9781400336708
Stock No: WW336708

Publisher's Description

Do you long for an intimate relationship with your Creator, but He seems elusive? Perhaps it is because something utterly essential is missing—the fear of the Lord. Don’t let this frighten you. Fearing God is very different than being afraid of God. It’s the key to everything.

Holy Fear is not a topic you’ll hear much about these days. But if you want to build a faith that stands strong through troubled times, you cannot afford to ignore this book.

In The Awe of God, John Bevere invites you to take a fresh look at what it means to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. This healthy, holy, and largely forgotten virtue is the uncommon path to a more fulfilled and fruitful spiritual life. In this book you will see why godly fear is the foundation of:

  • Wisdom, understanding, and knowledge
  • Foresight, clarity, and divine direction
  • Maturity and conformity to the image of Jesus Christ
  • Building an eternal legacy
  • Confidence, fearlessness, and security
  • Freedom from the fear of man as all lesser fears are eclipsed


If you look at the men and women in Scripture, the ones who lived and finish well all have one thing in common: they are marked by holy fear.

The Awe of God was designed to be read slowly and intentionally, given its devotional format. At the end of each of the 42 chapters are five tools to help you deepen your understanding and apply what the Spirit of God is teaching you. With this compelling and convicting message, you can experience a revival in your relationship with God, whether you’re new to following Him or have walked with Him for most of your life.

Author Bio

John Bevere is a minister known for his bold, uncompromising approach to God's Word. He is also an international bestselling author who has written more than 20 books that have, collectively, sold millions of copies and been translated into 129 languages. Along with his wife, Lisa, John is the co-founder of Messenger International—a ministry committed to revolutionizing global discipleship. Driven by a passion to develop uncompromising followers of Christ, Messenger has given over 50 million translated resources to leaders across the globe, and to extend these efforts, the MessengerX app was developed, providing translated, digital discipleship resources at no cost to users in 120 languages and counting. MessengerX currently has users in over 19,000 cities and 228 nations. When John is home in Franklin, Tennessee, you’ll find him loving on his g-babies, playing pickleball, or trying to convince Lisa to take up golf.

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