ARTistic Pursuits: Drawing with Water-Soluble and Graphite Pencils (Advanced Level, Art Core 5)
Stock No: WW394347
ARTistic Pursuits: Drawing with Water-Soluble and Graphite Pencils (Advanced Level, Art Core 5)  -     By: Brenda Ellis

ARTistic Pursuits: Drawing with Water-Soluble and Graphite Pencils (Advanced Level, Art Core 5)

Artistic Pursuits Inc / Other

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Warehouse Location: EB809E
Stock No: WW394347

Warehouse Location: EB809E
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Stock No: WW394347
Warehouse Location: EB809E
Artistic Pursuits Inc / Other

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Product Description

ARTistic Pursuits Art Core program give students in grades 4 to 12 the opportunity to create projects that help them understand the Big Ideas of art. Each level consists of 36 lessons: 9 video lessons and 27 lessons in the textbook. Video lessons model art materials, techniques, and color theory, and how to use them. The hardcover textbooks take your student on a journey through the history of art, focusing on artists who are masters of the technique or medium that is the focus of each level. Full-color renditions of master works of art help your student gain an understanding of art history, art appreciation, and the foundational elements of art. A list and reference photo of (not included) required art materials, including brand names, is also provided. Each level includes the hardcover textbook and DVD/Blu-ray discs.

Art Core 5: Drawing with Water-Soluble and Graphite Pencils is an advanced art course for students who need a high school art class or as preparation for a college-level course.  Basic drawing strategies are covered as students build a composition from start to finish. Lessons cover learning how to use light weight, hard lines, and soft lines; arranging picture space using the rule of thirds; using graded pencils to make light, middle, and dark values and 3-dimensional forms; using water-soluble graphite pencils for watercolor-like textures; drawing accurate facial forms using tonal range; and using 17 shapes to draw accurate human forms. Grades 9 – 12.

Product Information

Title: ARTistic Pursuits: Drawing with Water-Soluble and Graphite Pencils (Advanced Level, Art Core 5)
By: Brenda Ellis
Format: Other
Vendor: Artistic Pursuits Inc
Weight: 1 pound 3 ounces
ISBN-13: 9781939394347
Stock No: WW394347

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