My Armor's Kinda Rusty ... Encouragement For Weary Warriors - eBook
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My Armor's Kinda Rusty ... Encouragement For Weary Warriors - eBook  -     By: Paula Yingst

My Armor's Kinda Rusty ... Encouragement For Weary Warriors - eBook

WestBow Press / 2012 / ePub

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Stock No: WW35640EB

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WestBow Press / 2012 / ePub
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Product Information

Title: My Armor's Kinda Rusty ... Encouragement For Weary Warriors - eBook
By: Paula Yingst
Format: DRM Free ePub
Vendor: WestBow Press
Publication Date: 2012
ISBN: 9781449772406
ISBN-13: 9781449772406
Stock No: WW35640EB

Publisher's Description

How have I come to this place in my life and ministry where hindsight is not simply a self-pitying review of all the things that have gone wrong over the years? A cleft in the rock, where Im finally ableat least some of the timeto recognize that whenever I allow myself to honestly reconsider the awesome, the awful, and the decidedly ugly moments scattered along the pathway of my life experience, I can see that Gods hand has been guiding my journey.

This is an exploration of accounts that have inspired me over the years, a search for answers to questions that have challenged me, and information that Ive gleaned from various sources. They are told from my personal point of view. But also included are amazing stories that Ive collected from other imperfect peoplethe humorous and the heartbreakingwhich have stuck with me over the years and insist that I still have much more to learn. They remind me that especially when it comes to spiritual armor, mine is rusty even on a good day. But then, so is yours, and therefore ours.

So lets continue the journey together.

Caution: Stay alert for falling rocks and tongue-in-cheek humor.

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