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Arcangel 808: My Struggle to Know and Serve Jesus Christ
Product Information
▼▲Title: Arcangel 808: My Struggle to Know and Serve Jesus Christ By: Darnell L. Sherman Format: Hardcover Vendor: WestBow Press Publication Date: 2012 | Dimensions: 9.02 X 5.98 X 0.88 (inches) Weight: 1 pound 7 ounces ISBN: 144972423X ISBN-13: 9781449724238 Stock No: WW724238 |
Publisher's Description
▼▲Despite a humanistic education and the lure of a society lauding hedonism and rationalism as a panacea for humanity's problems; Darnell realized the only cure for what ails humanity is Jesus Christ. This is Darnell's personal testimony to the world, of how pride, peer-pressure and the paganistic zeitgeist of our times tempts him to follow a path of immediate gratification instead of the more holy and healthy strait and narrow path Jesus Christ spoke of. Darnell displays his flaws as a Christian, and how repentance plays a role in his everyday life.
Darnell wants illicit sex with many women. Darnell wants to be violent and inflict pain on his perceived enemies. Darnell wants to enjoy the pride of life. Darnell wants to live for himself; forgetting the pain of others. Darnell wants to embrace nihilism in his approach to life. The burden of truth exists. Darnell learned through the Word of God and from painful experiences that his desires would lead to eternal condemnation and separation from God; above all Darnell did not want that. Instead of following his will and sinful desires, Darnell decided to follow God's will. Darnell accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior at age seven, and not much later the Lord visited the Holy Spirit upon Darnell. A war exists between good and evil in the world; Darnell observed various battles in the war. "Arcangel 808: My Struggle to Know and Serve Jesus Christ" is Darnell's testimony to the world of his struggle to overcome sin, himself, the devil and the world through the blood and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Darnell is not perfect; he is simply forgiven through the grace Jesus Christ. Darnell is reaching out to the world to share the truth of Jesus Christ in his life. Darnell will one day leave this material realm, as shall we all. Enjoy.
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