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Author / ArtistL
L'Amour, Sandrine
L'amour, Sandrine
L'Engle, Madeleine
L'Hommedieu, Arthur John
La Bee, Jesse M.
La Rosa, Leandra
La Rue Hohn, Tracy
Laberis, Stephanie
LaBrack, Joy
Labrecque, Ellen
LaCapria, Sister Ellen
LaCarte Jr., Emile B.
LaCerte Jr, Emile B.
LaCerte Jr., Emile B.
Lacerte Jr., Emile B.
Lacey, Minna
Lack-Skidmore, Marjory
Laden, Nina
Ladue, Joan M.
Ladwig, Tim
Lafayette, M.Y.
Lafe, D.
Laferton, Carl
Laffoon, Teresa
Lafler, J.C.
LaFond, Mike
Lafond, Pascale
LaFontaine, Bruce
Laforest, Carine
LaFosse, Michael G.
Laguna, Fabio
LaHaye, Tim
Lai, Thanhha
Laird, Tammy Lynn
Lake, Bethany
Lake, Contributors Christina Bieber
Lake, John G.
Lakin, Brittany E.
Lakin, Patricia
Lal, Vineet
Laliberte, Jacques
Lamar, Lloyd
LaMarche, Jim
Lamb, Charles
Lamb, Jen
Lamb, Kenny
Lamb, Mary
Lamba, Marie
Lamberton, Andy
Lamborn, Florence
Lammers, Jeff
Lamon, Jeanne
Lamson, Meredith
Lamut, Sonja
Lanan, Jessica
Lancaster, Lisa A.
Lancaster, Ollie
Landázabal, Andrés F.
Land, Abbey
Land, Jeff
Landau, Elaine
Landes, Andi
Landis, Melody
Landmann, Bimba
Landreth, Jane
Landry, Chance L.
Landry, Leo
Landy, Ariel
Lane, Charly
Lane, Leena
Lane, Rachel
Lane, Rose Wilder
Lang, Andrew
Lang, Diane
Lang, Dorene A.
Lang, Glenna
Lang, Gregory E.
Lang, Heather
Lang, Max
Lang, Suzanne
Langdo, Bryan
Langeland, Jacqui
Langendoen, Skyler
Langer, Shirley
Langerak, Nathan J.
Langford, Lynn
Langford, Lynn F.
Langille, Jacqueline
Langley, Mary Ashley
Langstaff, John
Langston, Roger
Lanier, Joyce C.
Lansky, Bruce
Lantz, Paul
Lapadula, Thomas
LaPenna, Michael
Lapenna, Michael
Larimore M.D., Walt
Larina, Lida
LaRocca, Rajani
LaRochelle, David
Larosa, Marjanita
LaRose, Lawrence
Larsen, Carolyn
Larsen, Jill
Larsen, Lorraine
Larson, Elsie
Larson, Harmony
Larson, Hope
Larson, Jenn
Larson, Kirby
Larson, Michael
Larson, Michael J.
Lascaro, Rita
Lasky, Kathryn
Latham, Andrew
Latham, Jean
Latimer, Charles R.
Latimer, Jonathan P.
Latimer, Miriam
Lattimore, Eleanor Frances
Laubach, Christyna M.
Laubenstein, Sharon
Lauber, Patricia
Laure, Estelle
Laurent, Bob
Laurentiis, Giada De
Lauritano, Michael
Lavagno, Enrico
Lavallee, Barbara
Lavan, Billie Denise
Lavender, Julie
Lavoy, Michael
Law, Jerel
Law, Jessica
Law, Juliann
Lawhead, Stephen R.
Lawler, Janet
Lawler, Kara
Lawrence, Donna Flower
Lawrence, Susan R.
Lawrence, Wanda
Lawson, Jessica
Lawson, Nan
Lawson, Robert
Lawson, Shanna
Lawton, Wendy
Layne, Adriana
Layne, Katelyn
Layne, M.
Layton, Dian
Layton, Diane C.
Layton, Neal
Laznicka, Mike
Lazurek, Michelle S.
Le Feuvre, Amy
Le Feyer, Diane
Le, Khoa
Le, Loi
Leach, Sara
Leaf, Eva
Leaf, Munro
Lean, Heather
Lean, Sarah
Lear, Edward
Leathe, Jennifer Williams
LeBarre, Erika
LeBlanc, Betsy C.
LeBlanc, Denise
Lebrun, Maxime
Lechuga, Maribel
Lecomte, Eva
Leczkowski, Jennifer
Ledda, John
Ledet, Deborah A.
Ledet, Keith F.
Ledford, Margaret Davis
Ledwidge, Maria
Lee Jr., Johnie M.
Lee, Alyson
Lee, Bob
Lee, Carol Ann
Lee, Conda
Lee, Dan
Lee, Dennis
Lee, Heather Brockman
Lee, Huy Voun
Lee, Jared
Lee, Jared D.
Lee, Jeffrey Lyndon
Lee, Joanne Hyunjoo
Lee, Kathy
Lee, Manning De V.
Lee, Marsha
Lee, Olando
Lee, Pat Banks
Lee, Paul
Lee, Spike
Lee, Stacey
Lee, Teresa
Lee, Virginia
Lee, Young Shin
Leech, John
Leehy, Peggy L.
Leeming, Joseph
Leese, Vickie
LeFalle, Deborah
Lefebvre, Heather
LeFeurve, Amy
LeFeuvre, Amy
Leggett, Christie O.
Leggette, Lori Ann
LEGO City,
Lehman, Barbara
Lehman, Charles
Lehrer, Naomi
Leibold, Lauren
Leibovitz, Cecilia
Leigh, Anina
Leigh, Kirstin
Leigh, Madi
Leigh, Susan K.
Leigh, Tom
Leighfield, D.K.
Leiloglou, Carolyn
Leiser, Bonnie
Leithart, Peter J.
Leiva, Steven Paul
Leman II, Kevin
Leman, Dr. Kevin
Lemay, Violet
Lemons, Rita
Lenard, Alexander
Lendler, Ian
Lendroth, Susan
Leng, Qin
Lengeman, Bruce
Lennon, Maria T.
Lenski, Lois
Lent, Blair
Leonard, David
Leonard, Dion
Leonard, Lisa
Leonhardt, Gustav
Lepire, Janae
Leplar, Anna Cynthia
Lepp, Royden
Leppard, Lois Gladys
Leppard, Raymond
Lerangis, Peter
Lerner, Sharon
Leroux, Gaston
Leroy, Jean
Lerwill, Ben
Lescoat, Elen
LeSourd, Nancy
Lessin, Roy
Lester, Alison
Lester, Carol
Lester, Carol L.
Lester, Helen
Lester, Julius
Lester, Mike
Lethcoe, Jason
Letkeman, Trudi
Letts, Elizabeth
Letzig, Michael
Leugers, R.E.
Leung, Julie
Leuzarder, John
Leuzarder, John B.
Leuzinger, Kat
Levasseur, Dr. Jennifer
Levesque, Yolande
Levin, Jack E.
Levine MEd, Joni
Levine, Amy-Jill
Levine, Barbara G.
Levine, Ellen
Levine, Gail Carson
Levine, Karen
Levine, Kristin
Levine, Nancy
Levinson, Nancy Smiler
Levy, Adir
Levy, Barbara
Levy, Elizabeth
Levy, Ganit
Levy, Pamela R.
Lew-Vriethoff, Joanne
Lewallen, Hayley
Lewin, Betsy
Lewin, Ted
Lewis, Alaric
Lewis, Alice
Lewis, Angela
Lewis, Anthony
Lewis, Aura
Lewis, Beverly
Lewis, Brenda Ralph
Lewis, C S
Lewis, C. S.
Lewis, C.S.
Lewis, Carrie
Lewis, Cheryl
Lewis, Crystal
Lewis, Daniel
Lewis, Deanna
Lewis, Deborah Shaw
Lewis, E.B.
Lewis, Gary
Lewis, Gill
Lewis, Gregg
Lewis, H. B.
Lewis, J.S.
Lewis, Jacqueline Janette
Lewis, Jon
Lewis, Jon S.
Lewis, Josh
Lewis, Lisa
Lewis, Liza
Lewis, Nicole Peltier
Lewis, Peter
Lewis, Robert
Lewis, Terence
Lewis, Thomas P.
Lewison, Wendy Cheyette
Lex, Emily
Ley, Emily
Leys, Lucas
Liardon, Roberts
Libal, Autumn
Libbrecht, Kenneth George
Libby, Larry
Liburd, E.T.
Licata, Judith I.
Lichtenberg, Steven J.
Lichtenheld, Tom
Liddell, Aryanna Bax
Liddiard, Merrilee
Lieb, Josh
Liedl, Charles
Lies, Brian
Lifeway Kids Worship,
Lifeway Kids,
Ligon, Susan
Lil' Rufus,
Lile, Rebecca
Lilly(Narrator), Aimee
Lilly, Aimee
Limbaugh, Rush
Lin, Amy Hsu
Lin, Grace
Lindahl, Kay
Lindberg, Eric
Lindbergh, Reeve
Lindblad, Contributor Michael
Lindgren, Astrid
Lindman, Maj
Lindner, Eileen W.
Lindsay, Marion
Lindsay, Mattick
Lindsey, Darrien
Lindskoog, Kathryn
Lindvall, Ella K.
Linebarger, Ginger
Linenthal, Peter
Ling, Frank J.
Ling, Nancy Tupper
Lingesso, Alessia
Lingo, Maria Flores
Lingo, Susan
Linko, Gina
Linn, Joseph
Linne, Shai
Linson, Patricia
Linson, Patricia E.
Lionni, Leo
Lipe, Vicki
Lipkowitz, Daniel
Lippard, Hannah
Lippitt, Faye
Lippman, Peter
Lipsyte, Robert
Lisker, Sonia
Lisle, Andria
Lisle, Janet Taylor
Liso, J.T.
Lisovskis, Marjorie
Liss-Levinson Ph.D., Nechama
Lisson, Carole J.
Lister, J. Ryan
Lister, Ralph
Litten, Kristyna
Little Bee Books,
Little Grasshoper,
Little Grassphopper,
Little Praise Party,
Little, Courtney
Little, Emily
Little, Jean
Little, Sally
Littlefield, Cindy A.
Littleton, Mark
Litwin, Eric
Litzenberg, Corinne M.
Liu, Charles
Liu, Edd Laura Blythe
Ljungkvist, Laura
Lloyd, Ernest
Lloyd, Megan
Lloyd, Sam
Lloyd, Thomas L.
Lloyd-Jones, Sally
Lloyd-Jones, Sarah
Lluch, Alex A.
Lluch, Emily
Lluch, Isabel B.
Lobel, Arnold
Lobo, Julia
Lock, Deborah
Locke, Gary
Locker, Thomas
Locklin, Julie
Lodding, Linda Ravin
Lodge, Henry Cabot
Lodi, Madison
Lodolce, Jodi
Loeffler, Sherry
Loehr, Mallory
Loftfield, Contributor Ella-Kari
Lofting, Hugh
Loftis, Cory
Lofts, Pamela
Logan, John
Logsted, Greg
Logsted, Jackie
Lohr, Nancy
Loker, Sandy
Lollar, Phil
Lolly, PJ
Loman, Sam
Lombardo, Constance
Lombardo, Sandy Saia
Lomp, Stephan
London, Jack
London, Jonathan
London, Precious
Long, Daniel
Long, Earlene
Long, Ethan
Long, Janna
Long, Jessica
Long, Laurel
Long, Loren
Long, Roger
Long, Sylvia
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Longhi, Katya
Loomis, Ilima
Looney, Bill
Lopata, Bridgett
Lopes, Thiago
Lopez, Alex
Lopez, Denise
Lopez, Pedro
Lopez, Sharon
Lopresti, Angeline Sparagna
Lopshire, Robert
Lora, Miren Asiain
Lorbiecki, Marybeth
Lord, Bette Bao
Lord, Cynthia
Lord, Jill
Lord, Jill Roman
Lord, John Vernon
Lord, Michelle
Lordi, Susan
Lore, Pittacus
Lorenz, Albert
Lorenzi, Natalie Dias
Loser, Thomas G.
Lossani, Chiara
Loter, John
Lotter, Lauren K.
Lotz, Anne Graham
Louden Jr., George
Louden, Claire
Louise, Stella
Louise, Verna
Lounsbury, Jennica
Lovasik, Lawrence G.
Lovasik, Rev. Lawrence G.
Love, Judy
Love, K.E.
Love, Maryann Cusimano
Love, Willow
Loveberry, Laura
Lovejoy, Sharon
Lovelace, Maud Hart
Lovelock, Brian
Lovsin, Polona
Low, Sara
Lowe, Mifflin
Lowe, Natasha
Lowe, Scott Thomas
Lowe, Wesley
Lowell, Barbara
Lowell, Susan
Lowery, Mike
Lowes, Sarah
Lowrey, Janette Sebring
Lowry, Lois
Lowry, Mark
Lu, Hannah Y.
Luca, Stefania
Lucado, Andrea
Lucado, Denalyn
Lucado, Max
Lucas, Eileen
Lucas, Gareth
Lucas, Margeaux
Lucas, Sally
Lucas, Sherry
Luciani, Brigitte
Ludwig, Charles
Ludy, Mark
Luebbe, Tara
Luenebrink, Judy
Lugo, Udayana
Lui, Bonnie
Lukasek, Karyn
Lull-A-Bye Baby,
Lull-A-Bye Baby: Worship,
Lullaby Ensemble,
Luna, Jane
Lund, Shoshana
Lunde, Darrin
Lundell, Margo
Lundgren, Colleen
Lundie, Isobel
Lundquist, Mary
Luneke, Beth
Luning, Eugene
Luong, William
Lupica, Mike
Lupton, Hugh
Luqman-Dawson, Amina
Lusk, Rebecca Klar
Lusko, Levi
Luster, Bonnie
Lutfi, Afaf
Luther, Martin
Lutz, Norma
Lutz, Norma Jean
Lutzer, Rebecca
Luu, Bao
Luxenberg, Alan H.
Lvarez, Carlos Mart
Lyatsky, Sonya
Lyell, Jennifer
Lyle, David
Lyn, Grammy
Lynch, Amy
Lynch, Charlie
Lynch, Chris
Lynch, Dan R.
Lynch, Stuart
Lynn, Diana
Lynn, Katherine
Lynn, Tracey
Lyon, Gabriela
Lyon, George Ella
Lyon, Tammie
Lyons, Brendan
Lyons, Clare
Lyons, Eric
Lyons, Jennifer S.
Lyons, Kelly Starling
Lyons, Mary E.
Lyons, P.J.
Lytle, Chris
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