Apprehend Your Apprehensions
Stock No: WW090447
Apprehend Your Apprehensions  -     By: Patrick Amadiegwu

Apprehend Your Apprehensions

Xulon Press / 2012 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW090447

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Stock No: WW090447
Xulon Press / 2012 / Paperback

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Product Information

Title: Apprehend Your Apprehensions
By: Patrick Amadiegwu
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 94
Vendor: Xulon Press
Publication Date: 2012
Dimensions: 8.50 X 5.51 X 0.23 (inches)
Weight: 4 ounces
ISBN: 1625090447
ISBN-13: 9781625090447
Stock No: WW090447

Author/Artist Review

Author: Patrick Amadiegwu
Located in: Basel City-Switzerland
Submitted: January 10, 2014

    Tell us a little about yourself.  I am the senior Pastor of Rhema Faith Embassy International Basel-Switzerland, a theologian, a psychologist and a conference speaker and counselor .

    What was your motivation behind this project?  To Uplift and edify people , reposition purpose and bring spiritual , psychological and social healing into lives of human beings.

    What do you hope folks will gain from this project?  The book is an oxygen of life, it will pick up and mend broken pieces. It will refocus purposes and reposition mind-set.

    How were you personally impacted by working on this project?  The Holy Spirit is my and the Bible

    Who are your influences, sources of inspiration or favorite authors / artists?  The Holy Ghost, Smith Wigglesworth, T.D Jakes Etc.

    Anything else you'd like readers / listeners to know:  It is a must read book and it will electrify anybody's entire chemistry to come to a place where humanity is swallowed up by divinity.

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