Apologia Exploring Creation With General Science 3rd Edition Lapbook Journal CD
Stock No: WW72712X
Apologia Exploring Creation With General Science 3rd Edition Lapbook Journal CD  -     By: Cyndi Kinney

Apologia Exploring Creation With General Science 3rd Edition Lapbook Journal CD

Knowledge Box Central / 2020 / Compact disc

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Stock No: WW72712X

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Stock No: WW72712X
Knowledge Box Central / 2020 / Compact disc

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Product Description

This lapbook CD-ROM is designed to correlate with the sold-separately Exploring Creation with General Science, 3rd Edition.

Lapbook Journals are designed to bring a more hands-on learning aspect to all levels of Apologia science. Journal pages featuring decorative borders and graphics can be easily organized into 3-ring binders. Pages with the “On Your Own” questions from the textbook save time so students don’t have to re-write the questions. Pages with the Study Guide Questions for each module are presented in 2 formats for the student to decide which format to use to write the answers to each question: either journaling pages OR colorful booklets that can be cut out and assembled. Lab Report pages are also provided in 2 formats: partially completed with the list of supplies, complete instructions, and procedures with blank space for the student to fill in the information as the experiment is completed, OR blank lab reports, in which the student fills in the necessary lab set-up materials and procedures along with blank space to complete the lab report. You choose which of the 481 pages to print out for each student in your household. One CD-ROM containing PDF files. Windows & Mac Compatible.

Product Information

Title: Apologia Exploring Creation With General Science 3rd Edition Lapbook Journal CD
By: Cyndi Kinney
Format: Compact disc
Number of Pages: 481
Vendor: Knowledge Box Central
Publication Date: 2020
Dimensions: 4.91 X 5.60 X 0.21 (inches)
Weight: 2 ounces
ISBN: 1624727123
ISBN-13: 9781624727122
Stock No: WW72712X

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