4 Stars Out Of 5
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  1. Doc Hilton
    Horseshoe Bend, AR
    Age: 45-54
    Gender: male
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    October 13, 2016
    Doc Hilton
    Horseshoe Bend, AR
    Age: 45-54
    Gender: male
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    Written in short, warm devotional style, HAS ANYONE EVER SEEN GOD (the title I will use throughout this review for the sake of brevity!) poses a question that may be on the mind of a skeptic, a brand-new believer, or perhaps an older saint who may need to re-visit a few wells along the way. The author then provides a teaser. Its not a complete answer, because we are never going to get to the place where we know it all, anyhow. Why do you think heaven is for all eternity? Then there is a Bible passage for further consideration, tied to the discussion.

    For thats where its supposed to lead . . . a discussion. I can readily see random strangers commenting on that cute book that youre reading in the doctors office waiting room, in the park as your kids enjoy the playground, on that red-eye flight where no one seems to be sleeping anyhow. And when that remark from the complete stranger lands on your side of the court . . . duh! Thats God kicking doors in for you to tell others about him! Go for it!

    This hard-cover book is also delightfully illustrated throughout, has a ribbon marker to keep your place, and is small enough to fit into a purse or journal keeper, making it readily accessible.

    But dont let the appearances fool you. The questions have a way of sticking in your mind. You might find yourself digging more into the Bible, and (gasp!) possibly growing in your faith because of the seed-thoughts that have been planted by this wonderful little book. I know this from first-hand experience, and these books are in my primary collection of sermon resources, for that very reason.

    5 stars for a fresh jump-start to a stalled faith

  2. Semmie
    Age: 35-44
    Gender: female
    4 Stars Out Of 5
    Lovely Little Synopsis on God
    September 1, 2016
    Age: 35-44
    Gender: female
    Quality: 5
    Value: 4
    Meets Expectations: 5
    ** Finally God sent Jesus to show people how to live and to reconnect us with God. Jesus ended up dying on the cross for our sake the ultimate sacrifice to save us from our sin. The he rose from the dead, showing that not even death can win against Gods love. **

    Featuring cute illustrations by Amylee Weeks (I love the owl!), Has Anyone Ever Seen God?, written by Carolyn Larsen, answers 101 frequently asked questions about God.

    The author breaks the book into three parts: questions and answers about God, about Gods world, and about the Bible. Each page features a common question, with its answer and a verse from the Bible applicable to that topic.

    In the first section, questions include, amongst many others, who God is and what His character is, who Satan is, what sin is, why God allows bad people to succeed, where is God when terrible things happen, and why He sent Jesus into the world.

    The second section focuses on topics like why and how did God create the world and mankind, the Garden of Eden, do animals have spirits, and our responsibility toward creation.

    And the third sections tackles issues like the Bible and its importance, how to study the Bible, and Jesus and the gospels.

    Overall, Has Anyone Ever Seen God? is a good, basic introduction to many of the commonly asked questions about God and Christianity. Some of the answers are fairly generic, but this book offers a good overall synopsis and it does it in a cute way with Weeks illustrations! Gratitude acts as a good general resource for those who already are believers, as well as new believers and those searching.

    Four stars out of five.

    Tyndale House Publishers provided this complimentary copy for my honest, unbiased review.
  3. BookreaderJoan
    Oak Harbor, WA
    Age: Over 65
    Gender: Female
    3 Stars Out Of 5
    Very short and simple answers
    October 24, 2016
    Oak Harbor, WA
    Age: Over 65
    Gender: Female
    Quality: 4
    Value: 4
    Meets Expectations: 3
    This is a small book that can be given to someone who is searching for answers about God and the Bible. Larsen has accumulated 101 questions frequently asked by those investigating Christianity and has given short answers. Topics covered include what God is like, how He interacts with people, creation, the Bible and some of what it teaches.

    The answers provided are very simple. Just by the nature of the book, small and compact, each question gets one page, a few paragraphs. That is not very much information when entire books have been written on some of the questions included. Also, there is no intellectual rigor evident, that is, no footnotes nor verification of statements included. Probably most disappointing to me was that there was no information to help a reader investigate an interesting topic further, such as suggested books to read.

    That being said, I was impressed with the style of the answers. Larsen is honest in admitting not knowing an answer. Such was the case with the classic question, if God is powerful enough to stop evil from happening, why doesn't He? When Christians disagree on an answer, she has given both sides. Such is the case with the question of whether God changes His mind.

    On occasion, the answers are just not adequate. Such is the case with the question, Why does God allow people to suffer? Many books have been written trying to answer this question to readers' satisfaction. I can't imagine a non-Christian reading the answer given here and at all being satisfied with it.

    This book is for a person with almost no knowledge of Christianity and the Bible. Larsen answers basic questions such as the definition of a testament and what chapter and verse references are.

    If this book is given as a gift to someone, I recommend the giver stay close at hand. A reader truly investigating Christianity will want to know much more than what is included in this book. The book might be a springboard to more intense discussions so, before you give the book to someone, be sure you are willing to study the questions further.

    I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.
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