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  1. Naomi
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    This Book Is Amazing!
    September 15, 2024
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    I have been reading this book for several hours. Every page is packed full with well researched information as well as illustrations and photos to verify the collection of historical facts and modern day finds. Framed upon a Biblical foundation of scripture, Rick Renner ties all of this deep study material together in an easy to follow format. I only wish the Publisher would sell it in a Spiral binding so it could lay flat when opened. It would be a GREAT study for serious Homeschooled High School age students. (The content is a bit graphic for younger students.)
  2. IntheWord
    B.C. Canada
    Age: 55-65
    Gender: Female
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Wonderful Addition to the coffee table Collection.
    November 7, 2024
    B.C. Canada
    Age: 55-65
    Gender: Female
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    It's quite the conversational 'starter'... for anyone who sits in the Living room. I see it's rotation from lap to lap during Bible study night at our house. Eyebrows shift, and fingers flip, and eyes penetrate the info, and it's a great topic of conversation during coffee break, as we gather for Bible Study nights.

    ( as others have said, there are repeats on reference scripture, but I take into consideration... the Author really wants us to understand the importance of these scriptures, and the reasons why.) I highly recommend the purchase of this fabulous book, that is a sweet study book, that you can't put down... until you reach the end. I know quite a few friends who have it on their "Christmas' list as the perfect gift to buy that person who has (and knows) everything!... They will learn, there is still much to be learned on these important subjects!
  3. Marie
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    World before the flood
    January 16, 2025
    This is very insightful, it answers so many questions, how the life was before the flood became so evil. Not only humans but fallen angels also, disobey God, and how together they created an evil mess. How God is patience with His people. How people afer the flood, even though they didn't do the evil, some how the evil became imprinted in their minds. Then, after the flood, when Satin brings it into their minds , they do evil. The length of time Adam and his offsprings lived. Because they lived so long their lives over lapped each others lives for hundreds of years. How old stone tables where found and then kept, reporting on so much that happened before the flood and after the flood. How it reinforces time and time again that the Bible, God's word is truth. How we don't listen to God, just like the people listen didn't before the flood, and how our life is reflecting that evil, and how God is being patience with us, for us to turn back to God.
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