And You Invited Me In
Stock No: WW701660
And You Invited Me In  -     By: Cheryl Tyler

And You Invited Me In

Simon & Schuster / 2007 / Paperback

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Simon & Schuster / 2007 / Paperback

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Product Information

Title: And You Invited Me In
By: Cheryl Tyler
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 208
Vendor: Simon & Schuster
Publication Date: 2007
Dimensions: 8.25 X 5.31 (inches)
Weight: 11 ounces
ISBN: 1582701660
ISBN-13: 9781582701660
Stock No: WW701660

Publisher's Description

In this compelling novel, the issue of love, compassion, and true belief is brought close to home when a conservative Christian sister has to decide whether or not to accept her brother, despite his sexual identity, back into her home to die in peace.

When Alex Marshall left his stifling small town behind, he felt freedom for the first time in his life. Rejected by his conservative Christian hometown for his homosexuality, Alex becomes a successful lawyer, active in the gay community and committed to his partner, Scott. But tragedy strikes in the form of AIDS, as it rips away Alex's dignity and crushes his body. He is near the end of his life.

Annie Whitley, Alex's sister, is faced with a difficult choice when a call from Alex comes out of the blue. Should she travel to care for her estranged brother—who represents the lifestyle she's been taught to hate and fear—or stay away, deny him, and follow what the town demands? Choosing Alex, she begins to see how her decision impacts the entire community.

And You Invited Me In addresses the moral dilemma that many face: how can people accept or even tolerate a way of life so different from anything they have been taught to believe is acceptable? This interwoven tale speaks of love, compassion, and true belief, as a family reconciles and a town comes to understand the truth of its faith, and is resonant with the hymn of equality.

Author Bio

Cheryl Moss Tyler holds two master's of education degrees in special education and human development counseling from Vanderbilt University. She is currently a licensed professional school counselor and lives in Nashville, Tennessee.

Editorial Reviews

"As an avid reader, I found this book to be highly enjoyable. Mrs. Tyler seems to have captured what it must be like to be a gay man living with AIDS in a fundamentalist society." -- Mike Myrick, pastor from Nashville
"And You Invited Me In is a powerful story of unconditional love and grace. This story grabbed me and reminded me of all the emotional roads that...gays and lesbians experience every day.... I wept as I recalled the many people who have crossed our paths in ministry who are the Scotts, Alexes, Annies, and Samuels. It is my prayer that God will use this real-life story to break all our hearts and cause realize what really matters in life." -- Todd Ferrell, president of The Evangelical Network

Author/Artist Review

Author: Cheryl Tyler
Located in: Nashville, Tennessee
Submitted: January 01, 2009

    Tell us a little about yourself.  I'm married and the mother of two daughters. We've lived in Nashville (more or less) for the last twenty years. I'm also a school counselor.

    What was your motivation behind this project?  Our landlord was dying of AIDS and a large, conservative church where he was very active did only go to the hospital one time during his last days even though I had detailed the immense family issues surrounding his illness and forthcoming death. As the daughter of a preacher I always believed that a pastor should be with the person/family during times like this. It took about a year to process this and begin on the book.

    What do you hope folks will gain from this project?  The thing that sets apart Christianity from all other religions is grace, and we fail to practice it on a daily basis. This is a book about unconditional love in the most difficult of circumstances.

    How were you personally impacted by working on this project?  Everything changed within me. I had been a hard-core fundamentalist who wanted the God of rule following instead of the God of grace and mercy.

    Who are your influences, sources of inspiration or favorite authors / artists?  I enjoy Christian fiction and just wrote. All the glory goes to God, because he led me through valleys to learn grace for my own life.

    Anything else you'd like readers / listeners to know:  Give this book a chance. It is different from anything you've ever read, about a subject that is a current controversial political subject. Many people express that once they read this book their eyes are opened to their failings with family and friends.

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