And They Sung a New Song
Stock No: WW747882
And They Sung a New Song  -     By: Clyde Bacchus, Christabel Bacchus

And They Sung a New Song

Resource Publications (CA) / 2022 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW747882

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Stock No: WW747882
Resource Publications (CA) / 2022 / Paperback

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Product Description

The "new song" refers to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and includes an invitation to all mankind to accept him as their Savior and Lord. Why then has there been a continuing history within the church of the exclusion of people on the basis of their race? These divisions, which were highlighted by Rev. Martin Luther-King in the 1960s Civil Rights Movement, continue to exist not only in the church in the US but also in the UK. And They Sung a New Song traces the beginnings of the church, from Jesus's command to go out into all the world and make disciples of all nations to the ways in which that command was replaced. Significant influences from Greek philosophy to Roman colonialism infiltrated the church and caused it to compromise biblical truths. The church needs to take the lead and not just talk about healing without an acknowledgment of how we have failed to be obedient to Jesus's gospel. We need to repent and "do the works of repentance."

Product Information

Title: And They Sung a New Song
By: Clyde Bacchus, Christabel Bacchus
Format: Paperback
Vendor: Resource Publications (CA)
Publication Date: 2022
Weight: 2 pounds
ISBN: 1666747882
ISBN-13: 9781666747881
Stock No: WW747882

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