At last! A book about missions written in plain English! A leading missionary practitioner, scholar, administrator, and teacher, Roger Greenway has done the Christian church a valuable service by offering us this book. . . . frank, realistic, practical, concise, and very readable. . . . This book is especially helpful for adult study groups in the church, persons preparing for short-term mission experiences, and college-level introductory courses in missions. The excellent organization, well-selected quotations for missions scholars, coupled with helpful review and discussion questions make this volume ideal for group learning. -- Charles E.Van Engen, Arthur F. Glasser Professor of Biblical Theology, Fuller Theological Seminar
When it comes to the Christian mission, very often laypersons and students are forced to choose between books that are technical and abstruse, on the one hand, or oversimplified and imbalanced, on the other. No more! Go and Make Disciples! is at once biblical, thorough, and readable. -- David J. Hesselgrave, Professor Emeritus of Mission Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Roger Greenway has written a first-rate, theologically sophisticated introduction to missions. He has done so in words accessible to mature Christians throughout the world: what a tremendous contribution to the work of the gospel in general and to missions in particular. -- Gary J. Bekker, Professor of Missiology and Academic Dean Calvin Theological Seminary