Holy Anarchy: Dismantling Domination, Embodying Community, Loving Strangeness
Stock No: WW061908
Holy Anarchy: Dismantling Domination, Embodying Community, Loving Strangeness  -     By: Graham Adams

Holy Anarchy: Dismantling Domination, Embodying Community, Loving Strangeness

SCM Press / 2022 / Paperback

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SCM Press / 2022 / Paperback

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Product Information

Title: Holy Anarchy: Dismantling Domination, Embodying Community, Loving Strangeness
By: Graham Adams
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 282
Vendor: SCM Press
Publication Date: 2022
Dimensions: 9.21 X 6.14 X 0.64 (inches)
Weight: 15 ounces
ISBN: 0334061903
ISBN-13: 9780334061908
Stock No: WW061908

Publisher's Description

Perhaps, after all, the decolonising agenda isn’t extra baggage the church needs to carry on top of everything else. Perhaps, instead, it is the very heart of what the church should be about – disrupting, uncomfortable, and bringing about a kind of ‘holy anarchy’. In Holy Anarchy, Graham Adams points to a realm in which all dynamics of domination, not least in the church, are subverted. It cuts across the loyalties and boundaries of religion and fosters the greatest possible solidarity amongst the different. Urgent and timely, the book weaves together themes around Empire, liberation and decolonial practice with an exploration of the nature and scope of church community, interreligious engagement, mission, and worship.

Author Bio

Revd Dr Graham Adams is a Tutor in Mission Studies, World Christianity and Religious Diversity at Luther King Centre for Theology and Ministry, UK

Editorial Reviews

"Graham Adams has gifted us with a brilliant, necessary, and timely volume: refreshingly honest, expansive in outlook, and insightful in navigating theological complexities in helpful and practical ways. Prepare to be challenged by this adventurous theological exploration to rethink and help broaden our interpretative optics to read our diverse ‘world’ in multiple ways. A volume, singing anarchy (be it holy or not) in a whole new key, is worth sitting with and absorbing, especially the feast of liturgical resources accompanying the work." -- Michael N. Jagessar, CWM Mission Secretary for Europe and the Caribbean

“Adams offers us an alternative to dominant ways of contemplating the world around us, he profoundly and provocatively engages with theology, missiology and liturgy to present the reader with a hopeful message of holy solidarity. A timely and critical book!” -- Eve Parker, Director of Global Mission, USPG

"Against the backdrop of increasing Christian nationalism and White supremacy, Holy Anarchy is a refreshing and much needed critique of the structures of power that pervade Christian theology. In this timely reassessment of the Christian message, Graham Adams acknowledges his own White, male privilege and grapples with the essential task of decolonising theology by resisting claims to truth and promoting disruption. The key message of Holy Anarchy! is that of dismantling domination and opposing ‘othering’ based on economics, race, gender, sexuality, dis/ability and/or religion that leads to oppression and the destruction of the environment. For Adams, the central Christian motifs of justice and solidarity require an openness to alternative possibilities and a genuine love of difference that goes beyond interpretation and acceptance within the boundaries set by the status quo. Humble throughout, rather than providing neat solutions, Adams encourages the reader to explore messiness and awkwardness, and to rethink ‘insider’ assumptions. Written in an accessible and engaging style, complemented by thought-provoking questions and his own hymns, Holy Anarchy! will be a rewarding read and a valuable resource for any Christians or church leaders who are serious about doing the work of anti-domination." -- Esther McIntosh,York St John University , UK

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