The American Spiritual Culture: And the Invention of Jazz, Football, and the Movies
Stock No: WW418961
The American Spiritual Culture: And the Invention of Jazz, Football, and the Movies  -     By: William Dean

The American Spiritual Culture: And the Invention of Jazz, Football, and the Movies

Bloomsbury Academic / 2006 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW418961

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Stock No: WW418961
Bloomsbury Academic / 2006 / Paperback

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Product Description

Americans are perhaps the most openly and energetically religious of all the peoples among the developed nations. Americans are religious in all the obvious ways, belonging to churches, synagogues and mosques as well as nurturing private spiritualities. But they are religious also in public ways, aiming to find a standard large enough to frame their common life and to judge them and their country. In this book, now in paperback, William Dean describes the spiritual culture that is grounded in the emerging American story. He also explores the concept of God (or the "Ultimate") that is central to that story---a concept that is reflected in contemporary American culture, including popular culture.

William Dean is Professor of Constructive Theology Emeritus at Iliff School of Theology. He is the author of five books and coeditor of another. His previous book, The Religious Critic in American Culture, won an AAR Award for Excellence in the Study of Religion in 1995.

Product Information

Title: The American Spiritual Culture: And the Invention of Jazz, Football, and the Movies
By: William Dean
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 240
Vendor: Bloomsbury Academic
Publication Date: 2006
Weight: 12 ounces
ISBN: 0826418961
ISBN-13: 9780826418968
Stock No: WW418961

Publisher's Description

Americans are perhaps the most openly and energetically religious of all the peoples among the developed nations. Americans are religious in all the obvious ways, belonging to churches, synagogues and mosques as well as nurturing private spiritualities. But they are religious also in public ways, aiming to find a standard large enough to frame their common life and to judge them and their country.In this book, now in paperback, William Dean describes the spiritual culture that is grounded in the emerging American story. He also explores the concept of God (or the "Ultimate") that is central to that story - a concept that is reflected in contemporary American culture, including popular culture.

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