New American Roget's College Thesaurus in Dictionary Form
Stock No: WW207166
New American Roget's College Thesaurus in Dictionary Form  -     By: Philip D. Morehead

New American Roget's College Thesaurus in Dictionary Form

Signet / Paperback

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Stock No: WW207166

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Signet / Paperback

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Product Description

In dictionary form, this compact thesaurus contains more than 5,00 new words and 30 new characters. With cross-entries, quotes and phrases that highlight the history of the word, and easy to read double columns, this thesaurus will provide thousands of synonyms for writers, poets and students. 902 pages, softcover.

Product Information

Title: New American Roget's College Thesaurus in Dictionary Form
By: Philip D. Morehead
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 912
Vendor: Signet
Dimensions: 6.88 X 4.28 X 1.40 (inches)
Weight: 14 ounces
ISBN: 0451207165
ISBN-13: 9780451207166
Stock No: WW207166

Publisher's Description

The ultimate alphabetically arranged thesaurus that will help you find the right word every time—now bigger and better than ever before!

This all-new edition of the classic reference work is the one thesaurus no home or office should be without. As easy to use as a dictionary—and just as important for you to own—this is a unique and indispensable treasury of words that will enable you to express your ideas clearly and effectively. With the synonyms and antonyms for each word listed alphabetically for quick, convenient use, this superior reference volume will help you build your vocabulary, improve your writing skills, and enrich your powers of expression. 

• Simple to use—no index required
• More than 5,000 new words and phrases
• 2,000 new synonym entry words for more efficient cross-referencing
• 30 new categories
• Easy-to-read double-column format
• Latest colloquial and slang terms
• Quotations and phrases that reveal the fascinating history of each word and the ideas it represents

Author Bio

Philip D. Morehead is the editor of The New American Webster Handy College Dictionary and The New American Rogets College Thesaurus and the author of the New American Crossword Puzzle Dictionary and The New American International Dictionary of Music. He is the son of late lexicographer and games expert Albert H. Morehead, the original co-editor of this book, who was the Bridge Editor of the New York Times for over 25 years and the editor of many books on games.

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