Michele HoweHendrickson Publishers / Trade PaperbackOur Price$0.495.0 out of 5 stars for Still Going It Alone: Mothering with Faith and Finesse When the Children Have Grown. View reviews of this product. 4 Reviews
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Gail Cawley Showalter5 Stars Out Of 5January 26, 2009Gail Cawley ShowalterIn Still Going It Alone, Mothering With Faith and Finesse When the Children Have Grown Michele Howe hopes to provide a safe placea communitywhere they find rest and renewed hope, strength, and shelter for the journey. Michele Howe has authored nine books and hundreds of articles. Single mothers who are past mothering the toddler and middle-school have different needs than younger moms. They appreciate learning from one another which is the format of this book, illustrations of real life moms facing real life dilemmas. In this new book Michele shares many scenarios from moms making choices as their children are establishing their adult lives. She covers topics that will touch the hearts of all mature single mothers. Each chapter includes situations that come into our lives once our kids are grown such as: marriage preparation, the empty nest, relating to in-laws, grandparenting, and instilling financial stability. These are followed by Every Mothers Prayer and Thought for the Day. Ideas and problem solvers spill over throughout the book. It is a resource easily read and beneficial. The Ready, Set, Adjust! sections offer pertinent real life situations that most older moms can benefit from. The Every Mothers Prayer sections are my favorite parts. Each prayer perfectly worded was very appropriate to the chapter topic. The prayers could stand alone as a book own their own. I found myself reading one adjustment after another that I could apply or couldve at an earlier time. I found bits of inspiration throughout. Michele gives us a beneficial book that is rich with personal stories from single moms Still Going it Alone! Gail Showalter is a storyteller, and author, and the founder of SMORE for Women, a Spiritual Ministry Offering Retreats and Encouragement. You may reach her at singlemoms@smoreforwomen.org or learn more on http://seeinguthrough.wordpress.com or Blog http://smoreforwomen.org
C.Champion5 Stars Out Of 5January 11, 2009C.ChampionThere aren't many books out there that speak to single women with nearly grown children. I really appreciate someone addressing this large segment of women who are facing these challenging years of parenting. Michelle speaks clearly, with Biblical hope and at the same time speaks practically. This is a treasure that single moms must read.
Lisa Hendey5 Stars Out Of 5January 7, 2009Lisa HendeyEven though I'm not a single mom, I truly enjoyed Michele Howe's latest book and am strongly recommending it for other mothers of a "certain age" whose children are growing up all too quickly.Michele offers both practical advice for dealing with situations that arise as our kids age and move along to lives of their own, as well as inspiration and motivation. Her prayers and thoughts at the end of every chapter truly ARE for "every mother".From pondering remarriage to accepting aging to accepting changing relationships with our children (and theirs!), Michele's wisdom is offered in a practical, personal and highly readable manner.
Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle5 Stars Out Of 5January 6, 2009Donna-Marie Cooper O'BoyleWith her signature encouraging attitude, Michele Howe passes on her wisdom from the trenches to Christian single mothers, assisting them to navigate life with faith and finesse after their children have grown. Michele invites us to live our present moments fully while also focusing on the future. She explains that perfection doesnt exist this side of heaven and bids us to redefine our terms and open our eyes and heart in gratitude to all that life holds for us. She encourages us to continue to invest time in vital family relationships.Creatively utilizing slice of life scenarios for single mothers, Michele paints realistic pictures covering many aspects of life. Beginning with the empty nest and progressing to setting goals, preparing for future realities and possibilities which may include aging parents, remarriage, accepting limitations, facing the unknown, and discovering joy amid it allMichele gives single mothers much to ponder and embrace for true contentment in their vocations as Christian mothers.Michele Howes spiritual wisdom and attitude are encouraging and contagious! Still Going It Alone: Mothering with Faith and Finesse after the Children Have Grown is a book that youll want to read and ponder over a cup of tea. Youll be drawn in to its welcoming ambiance and wont be able to put it down!Donna-Marie Cooper OBoyle, award-winning journalist and best-selling author of The Heart of Motherhood, Prayerfully Expecting, Catholic Prayer Book for Mothers, Catholic Saints Prayer Book, The Domestic Church: Room by Room: A Mother's Study Guide, and Grace Caf: Serving up Recipes for Faithful Mothering
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