All Is Grace
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All Is Grace   -     By: Brennan Manning

All Is Grace

David C Cook / 2014 / Paperback

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David C Cook / 2014 / Paperback

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Product Description

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." (2 Cor. 12:9)

How many of us struggle to truly accept the love and forgiveness of God? But it is through struggle that grace compels us to hold fast to hope in the cross of Christ and the power of God to reconcile all things. Brennan Manning has held many roles during his life--Franciscan priest, husband, recovering alcoholic, best-selling author, sinner, soldier and saint saved by grace. Born of his own struggles to embrace the love and grace of God, Manning is best known for The Ragamuffin Gospel. Brennan opens his heart to readers, sharing gritty details about his life behind the public eye in All Is Grace: A Ragamuffin Memoir. Moving and honest, All Is Grace trumpets the true magnitude of God's love-available to us in spite of our brokenness. Paperback.

Product Information

Title: All Is Grace
By: Brennan Manning
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 24
Vendor: David C Cook
Publication Date: 2014
Dimensions: 8.25 X 5.50 (inches)
Weight: 9 ounces
ISBN: 0781412447
ISBN-13: 9780781412445
Stock No: WW412440

Publisher's Description

On April 27, 1934, a little boy was born who grew up to become a vagabond evangelist in patchwork pants fiercely daring us to believe a line too good to be true—God loves you as you are and not as you should be. His name was Brennan Manning. He boldly preached of the love of Jesus vast, unmeasured, boundless, and free. And he always faithfully pointed to a tender, elemental fury that blows where it wills; in a word, grace.

But before the fame of his ragamuffin gospel, Brennan Manning was a son, brother, soldier, journalist, priest, husband, father, and friend. This is that part of the story, a necessary piece of the larger puzzle of grace. These pages tell the story of a man whose name was not always Brennan.

Author Bio

Brennan Manning spent over forty years helping others experience the reality of God’s love and grace. This message was at the heart of everything he did. A recovering alcoholic and former Franciscan priest, his spiritual journey took him down a variety of paths. He taught seminarians, spoke to packed arenas, lived in a cave and labored with the poor in Spain, and ministered to shrimpers in Alabama. Brennan was best known as the author of the contemporary classics, The Ragamuffin Gospel, Abba’s Child, Ruthless Trust, The Importance of Being Foolish, Patched Together, and The Furious Longing of God.

Editorial Reviews

"Brennan’s memoir is at once unvarnished and confessional, grippingly honest and poignantly tender. An unguarded peek into a life marked by foibles and blessings, gifts and pain, joy and regret. But always, in every paragraph, grace. Brennan lived it, experienced it, and grasped the extraordinary power of God’s great gift."
Max Lucado, pastor and bestselling author

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