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Student Text is 577 pages, short answers for problem/practice sets, an index and glossary are included; hardcover.
The Homeschool Packet includes contains 32 student tests and test solutions with work shown along with the final answer. The Answer key portion shows only the final solution for the practice and problem sets found in the student text. 44 pages, paperback.
The Solutions Manual features solutions to all textbook practices and problem sets. Early solutions contain every step, while later solutions omit obvious steps. Final answers are in bold type for accurate, efficient grading.
This kit includes:
Title: Saxon Algebra 2 Homeschool Kit with Solutions Manual, 3rd Edition Format: Other Vendor: Saxon Publishing Weight: 5 pounds 2 ounces | ISBN: 1600329721 ISBN-13: 9781600329722 Series: Saxon Algebra Stock No: WW529722 |
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