ellos les agrada Jesús pero no la iglesia, They Like Jesus but Not the Church
Stock No: WW753639
ellos les agrada Jes&#250s pero no la iglesia, They Like Jesus but Not the Church  -     By: Dan Kimball

ellos les agrada Jesús pero no la iglesia, They Like Jesus but Not the Church

Vida / 2009 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW753639

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Stock No: WW753639
Vida / 2009 / Paperback

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Product Information

Title: ellos les agrada Jesús pero no la iglesia, They Like Jesus but Not the Church
By: Dan Kimball
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 224
Vendor: Vida
Publication Date: 2009
Dimensions: 8.50 X 5.31 (inches)
Weight: 11 ounces
ISBN: 082975363X
ISBN-13: 9780829753639
Stock No: WW753639

Publisher's Description

Many people today, especially among emerging generations, don’t resonate with the church and organized Christianity. Some are leaving the church and others were never part of the church in the first place. Sometimes it’s because of misperceptions about the church. Yet often they are still spiritually open and fascinated with Jesus. This is a ministry resource book exploring six of the most common objections and misunderstandings emerging generations have about the church and Christianity. The objections come from conversations and interviews the church has had with unchurched twenty and thirty-something’s at coffee houses. Each chapter raises the objection using a conversational approach, provides the biblical answers to that objection, gives examples of how churches are addressing this objection, and concludes with follow-through projections, suggestions, discussion questions, and resource listings.

Author Bio

Dan Kimball es autor de varios libros, incluyendo "Emerging Worship", y "Jesús me convence, pero la iglesia no". Él es pastor de la iglesia Vintage Faith en Santa Cruz, California, una iglesia misionera enfocada en la cultura emergente y post-cristiana. Dan y su esposa, Becky, tienen dos hijas, Claire y Katie, y un viejo Ford Mustang de 1966.

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