The Rage Against the Light: Why Christopher Hitchens was Wrong - eBook
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The Rage Against the Light: Why Christopher Hitchens was Wrong - eBook  -     By: Peter Harris

The Rage Against the Light: Why Christopher Hitchens was Wrong - eBook

Resource Publications / 2019 / ePub

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Product Information

Title: The Rage Against the Light: Why Christopher Hitchens was Wrong - eBook
By: Peter Harris
Format: DRM Free ePub
Vendor: Resource Publications
Publication Date: 2019
ISBN: 9781532651991
ISBN-13: 9781532651991
Stock No: WW108558EB

Publisher's Description

Christopher Hitchens was the most eloquent of the New Atheists. With great rhetorical polish and an encyclopedic mind for historical facts and literary quotations, he presents the case of anti-theism very effectively. Though now deceased, Hitchens' arguments continue to reverberate through his best-selling books and online presence. God, asserts Hitchens, would be, if he existed, the greatest of dictators. Religion, according to Hitchens, is morally bankrupt and madly irrational. The world is better off without them! But is this true? It is the purpose of this book to identify Hitchens' worldview in order to subject it to a critique that will powerfully expose its many flaws. Rather than a dictator, God will be shown to be a God of love. Christianity too will be revealed as a faith that ought to resist tyranny, provides the best foundation for intrinsic human value, and is a rational belief-system. In so doing, this book appeals to all who have been influenced or convinced by Hitchens' arguments to reconsider their position and refuse to rage against the light.

Author Bio

Peter Harris teaches English at a high school and is completing a PhD in the history of the First World War.

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