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Life, Death and the Afterlife Through the Bible: Key to the understanding of sacred texts
Product Information
▼▲Title: Life, Death and the Afterlife Through the Bible: Key to the understanding of sacred texts By: Alfonso Perez Ranchal Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 128 Vendor: Vida Publishers | Publication Date: 2022 Weight: 8 ounces ISBN: 8418204818 ISBN-13: 9788418204814 Stock No: WW204810 |
Publisher's Description
▼▲Alfonso Perez Ranchal en su libro LA VIDA, LA MUERTE Y EL MAS ALLA A TRAVES DE LA BIBLIA, enmarca esos terminos en el concepto de revelacion progresiva indicando con ello que Dios iba dando a conocer su voluntad y propositos conforme el tiempo avanzaba. En esta progresion, el pueblo israelita paso por momentos de gran importancia historica marcados por actuaciones y mensajes divinos. En ocasiones, todo ello significaba nuevas formas de comprender a Dios, en otras, los protagonistas o destinatarios debian hacer toda una nueva reflexion de la historia y de sus propias vidas ante lo que ahora conocian del Creador.
Lamentablemente, esta revelacion progresiva es frecuentemente dejada de lado a la hora de realizar estudios biblicos o en la propia lectura devocional... pero esto puede significar una gran perdida en el entendimiento del texto biblico, y en otros momentos una "sobreinformacion" ya que se trae un conocimiento posterior y, por tanto, desconocido en esa epoca, y desde ahi se explica el pasaje escritural.
El autor afirma que el concepto de la vida, la muerte y el mas alla que se va desplegando en las Escrituras es esencial en cada momento para comprender mucho de lo que alli se expone. Por tanto -nos sigue diciendo el autor- es absolutamente necesario conocer el progreso de las ideas sobre la otra vida para que sirvan de clave para discernir muchos textos del Antiguo Testamento y, como no, del Nuevo. Es mas, me atrevo a decir que estamos ante una clave interpretativa que sirve de llave para la compresion de las Escrituras. Como parte de este recorrido se incluira un periodo esencial como es el intertestamentario que conecta y alumbra al Nuevo Testamento.
Life, Death and Afterlife Throughout the Bible
Alfonso Perez Ranchal in his book LIFE, DEATH AND AFTERLIFE THROUGHOUT THE BIBLE, frames these terms in the concept of progressive revelation.
He frames these terms in the concept of progressive revelation, indicating that God was making known His will and purposes as time progressed. In this progression, the Israelite people went through moments of great historical importance marked by divine actions and messages. At times, all this meant new ways of understanding God; at others, the protagonists or recipients had to make a whole new reflection on history and their own lives in the face of what they now knew of the Creator.
Unfortunately, this progressive revelation is often left aside when it comes to biblical studies or in one's own devotional reading... but this can mean a great loss in the understanding of the biblical text, and at other times an "over-information" since a later knowledge is brought in and, therefore, unknown at that time, and from there the scriptural passage is explained.
The author affirms that the concept of life, death and the afterlife that unfolds in the Scriptures is essential at each moment to understand much of what is expounded there. Therefore," the author continues, "it is absolutely essential to know the progress of the ideas about the afterlife so that they can serve as a key to discern many texts of the Old Testament and, of course, of the New Testament. Moreover, I dare say that we are before an interpretative key that serves as a key to the understanding of the Scriptures. As part of this journey, we will include an essential period such as the intertestamental period that connects and illuminates the New Testament.
Author Bio
▼▲Alfonso Pérez Ranchal es Diplomado en Teología Pastoral por el CEIBI (Centro de Investigaciones Bíblicas), Licenciado en Teología y Biblia por la Global University y profesor del CEIBI. Director y Editor del portal www.PensamientoProtestante.com , y vive en Cádiz, España.
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