After: Finding Your Passion and Purpose for What's Next
Stock No: WW593172
After: Finding Your Passion and Purpose for What's Next  -     By: Andrew C. Turner II

After: Finding Your Passion and Purpose for What's Next

Kirkdale Press / 2019 / Hardcover

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Stock No: WW593172

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Stock No: WW593172
Kirkdale Press / 2019 / Hardcover

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Product Description

There are moments in all our lives when we are blindsided by the unexpected. Life is filled with challenges, and often our resilience is put to the test. So many people are unable to bounce back from setbacks because they don’t know where to begin. This book is an incredible and insightful guide that charts a course for recovery.

Product Information

Title: After: Finding Your Passion and Purpose for What's Next
By: Andrew C. Turner II
Format: Hardcover
Number of Pages: 184
Vendor: Kirkdale Press
Publication Date: 2019
Dimensions: 8.5 X 5.5 (inches)
Weight: 2 pounds
ISBN: 1683593170
ISBN-13: 9781683593171
Stock No: WW593172

Publisher's Description

What's Your After?

There are moments in all our lives when we are blindsided by the unexpected. Life is filled with challenges, and often our resilience is put to the test. So many people are unable to bounce back from setbacks because they don't know where to begin. This book is an incredible and insightful guide that charts a course for recovery. It is rare to read a book so transparent yet filled with practical application.. No matter what has been, the rest of you will be the best of you. You've survived the worst; now the best is yet to come. I'm excited about what happens After. If you are too, this is your kind of book. Read it and your life will never be the same.

From the Foreword by
Bishop Joseph W. Walker III
Senior Pastor, Mt. Zion Baptist Church

Author Bio

Bishop Andrew C. Turner, II is Founder and Senior Pastor/Teacher of ACT2 Ministries in Los Angeles, CA, and author of Dream Walker.
Bishop Joseph W. Walker, III is the Senior Pastor of Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Nashville, Tennessee, and is the author of eleven books, including No Opportunity Wasted.

Editorial Reviews

Often the sweeping tides of grief send torrential tears and crashing waves of regret and sadness. Bishop Andrew Turner's thoughtful book After is a guiding light for those who have walked through or become lodged in the valley of the shadow of death! Give it as a guide to the grief-stricken. -- Bishop T. D. Jakes CEO, TDJ Enterprises and New York Times best-selling author

After defines where Andrew Turner used to be. But more than anything, it reveals where he has chosen to be today. If you've experienced the pangs of grief because of death, then you're a prime candidate for what you're about to read. -- Bishop Henry Fernandez, Faith Center Ministries

"We loved them but God loved them best" is a statement many of us have heard after the loss of a loved one. This statement, while at the core, means well I was always confused by it. The statement "We loved them but God loved them best" seems to suggest that God loves the ones who get to heaven before the rest of us so much that he would take them away from us. Losing a loved one is painful and confusing and a host of emotions no one has been able to fully describe. Until now! Bishop Andrew Turner gives the clearest and most personal insight in After many of us will ever read. One of my favorite lines in this incredibly consoling book sums it up well. "After is not just a word; no, it's your road map." -- Lester Love, Radio host on WBOK and Pastor of The City of Love in New Orleans, LA

After offers not just a glimmer but the bright illumination of hope. So whether you are crawling, limping, or barely moving; you will find that this book will help you make it through the darkest parts of the journey. After is your place of triumph, and I look forward to seeing you there! -- Reverend Dr. Marilyn Monroe Harris, Pastor, First Baptist Church of Teaneck

It was the great championship boxer Joe Louis who said, "Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die." When grief shatters our world and the pain of death consumes us, we not only want comfort, but we want answers. Where do we find the strength to face the complex reality that the presence of pain is not always a sign of trouble, but a corridor to a transformational beginning?

How do you respond to the question "What makes you so strong?" when you should be in the fetal position from the overwhelming weight of your circumstances? These questions are answered in the book After. Andrew Turner helps us to see that death, pain, and loss at their core are more than a debilitating phenomenon; they are conduits used to reignite our hope in a God who is greater than our circumstances!

I promise you that if you can find your way through the commonplaces of your life, this book will help you to reach an unconventional place of power that will push you to a new beginning.

-- Reverend Jamal Harrison Bryant, Pastor, Empowerment Temple

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