African American Church Growth
Stock No: WW7165415
African American Church Growth   -     By: Carlyle Fielding Stewart III

African American Church Growth

Abingdon Press / 1994 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW7165415

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Stock No: WW7165415
Abingdon Press / 1994 / Paperback

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Product Description

African American Church Growth offers 12 principles for prophetic ministry. Stewart contends that it is precisely the prophetic consciousness which appeals to many blacks of the post-civil rights era, and that emphasis on the prophetic will help bring the black church out of the disillusionment of a "post-civil rights malaise."

Product Information

Title: African American Church Growth
By: Carlyle Fielding Stewart III
Format: Paperback
Vendor: Abingdon Press
Publication Date: 1994
Dimensions: 8 1/2 X 5 1/2 (inches)
Weight: 8 ounces
ISBN: 0687165415
ISBN-13: 9780687165414
Stock No: WW7165415

Publisher's Description

Filling a need not previously addressed, African American Church Growth contends that it is the prophetic consciousness which appeals to many blacks of the post-civil rights era, and that emphasis on the prophetic will help bring the black church out of the disillusionment of a "post-civil rights malaise". Carlyle Fielding Stewart defines prophetic ministry as a concern for wholeness of the individual and community. Going beyond a simple call for social justice, the author addresses both spiritual and social tyrannies, within and without the church, that preclude church growth in our center cities and rural communities. Dr. Stewart demonstrates with practical examples how tyranny can be overcome in thriving black churches.

Author Bio

Carlyle Fielding Stewart, III is Pastor, Hope United Methodist Church, Southfield, Michigan. He received his Ph.D. from Northwestern University and Doctor of Ministry from Chicago Theological Seminary. Dr. Stewart has held numerous administrative and teaching positions in the Illinois and Michigan areas. He is the author of many published articles in The Chicago Daily News and Journal of Religious Thought.

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