Adventures in Odyssey ® Point of No Return eBook
Stock No: WW26400EB
Adventures in Odyssey ® Point of No Return eBook  -     By: Paul McCusker

Adventures in Odyssey ® Point of No Return eBook

Focus on the Family / 2012 / ePub

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Stock No: WW26400EB

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Stock No: WW26400EB
Focus on the Family / 2012 / ePub
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Product Description

You won't believe what happens during a "normal" game of catch. Matt and Jack discover a trap door outside Whit's End that takes them back to the pre-Civil War South where Matt is mistakenly sold as a runaway slave. Can Jack find Matt in time to rescue him? In another story, an out-of-town man comes looking for work and a busy Whit quickly turns him away. But when the man returns and interrupts a Bible contest, their lives are forever changed. Find out why in this collection of four books in one volume of Adventures in Odyssey. Adventures in Odyssey is a registered trademark of Focus on the Family. All rights reserved.

Product Information

Title: Adventures in Odyssey ® Point of No Return eBook
By: Paul McCusker
Format: DRM Free ePub
Vendor: Focus on the Family
Publication Date: 2012
ISBN: 9781604828436
ISBN-13: 9781604828436
Ages: 7-12
Series: Adventures in Odyssey
Stock No: WW26400EB

Publisher's Description

Fans of the long-running audio series Adventures in Odyssey can hardly remember a time when there wasn't a Connie or a Eugene—or an Imagination Station. But there was. Now step back in time as these exciting novels whisk you away to the days before the popular radio show.

Standing up for what you believe isn’t easy, as the kids in Odyssey discover in these four engaging stories. In Point of No Return, Jimmy Barclay finds that doing the right thing can cost him everything he thinks is most precious. In Dark Passage, Jack Davis and Matt Booker ignore a keep-out sign on the Imagination Station. Suddenly, they’re in pre–Civil War America, where slave traders capture Matt. The story continues in Freedom Run as Matt escapes from the slave traders and is joined by Jack for a thrilling Underground Railroad adventure. In The Stranger’s Message, Mr. Whittaker and the kids at Whit’s End meet a stranger in need and ask themselves, “What would Jesus do?”

Author Paul McCusker has written over 200 episodes of Adventures in Odyssey and been involved from the early days of the show. Set in a time before the radio show, these stories often reference the beginnings of inventions like the Imagination Station, familiar characters like the Barclays coming to town, and other AIO references that fans will enjoy.

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