Adventures in the Northwoods Vol. 10: Disaster on Windy Hill
Stock No: WW668844
Adventures in the Northwoods Vol. 10: Disaster on Windy Hill   -     By: Lois Walfrid Johnson

 Adventures in the Northwoods Vol. 10: Disaster on Windy Hill

Mott Media, LLC / Paperback

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Mott Media, LLC / Paperback

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Product Description

With reward money in hand, Kate, Anders, and Erik head to a stable to buy a horse for Kate. A beautiful black stallion is for sale, but she discovers she can buy two poorly cared for horses for the price of one, and Kate strikes a deal. While riding home with Windsong and Breeza, Kate and Erik are startled when someone tries to grab Windsong's bridle. Kate eludes the would-be thief, but she's frightened. Who would want to steal a scruffy, underfed horse? When Windsong's lead rope is deliberately untied and the horse disappears, Kate becomes convinced her horse must be more valuable than she first believed. But Kate is also sure she's made a terrible mistake. Can she ever know the love of God again?

Product Information

Title:  Adventures in the Northwoods Vol. 10: Disaster on Windy Hill
By: Lois Walfrid Johnson
Format: Paperback
Vendor: Mott Media, LLC
Weight: 6 ounces
ISBN: 0880622849
ISBN-13: 9780880622844
Ages: 8-12
Series: Adventures of the Northwoods
Stock No: WW668844

Publisher's Description

When someone tries to steal one of Kate's new horses, the Nordstrom family is shaken. But the real trauma comes when the barn is set on fire and the horse disappears. In a surprise ending, Kate finds her horse and discovers her future is going to be more exciting than she had expected.

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