Adult Bible Studies Teacher Winter 2016-17 - eBook
Stock No: WW82768EB
Adult Bible Studies Teacher Winter 2016-17 - eBook  -     By: Brian D. Russell

Adult Bible Studies Teacher Winter 2016-17 - eBook

Cokesbury / 2016 / ePub

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Product Information

Title: Adult Bible Studies Teacher Winter 2016-17 - eBook
By: Brian D. Russell
Format: DRM Protected ePub
Vendor: Cokesbury
Publication Date: 2016
ISBN: 9781501829475
ISBN-13: 9781501829475
Stock No: WW82768EB

Publisher's Description

Winter theme:

Toward a New Creation
Luke | Psalms | Galatians
This winter, lessons in Adult Bible Studies follow the theme, "Creation: A Divine Cycle." With the advent of the Savior by the power of the Holy Spirit, God set in motion the fulfillment of the divine plan of salvation. Through Luke's Gospel, several psalms, and the epistle to the Galatians, we explore God's ongoing actions in blessing and reconciling the whole creation. The student book writer is Kevin Baker; Brian Russell is the writer for the teacher book.

The Savior Has Been Born
The four lessons in this unit are developed from the Gospel of Luke. Lesson 1 explores how Mary, a virgin, received and joyfully accepted the announcement that she had been highly favored by God to give birth to God's Son. Lesson 2 looks at the affirmation of Elizabeth, Mary’s cousin, to her news. Lesson 3 focuses on John's mission as the forerunner of the Savior. The Christmas Day lesson deals with the birth of Jesus and the circumstances and events pursuant to it.

Praise From and for God's Creation
The five lessons in this unit employ five different psalms. Several psalms emphasize praise for God that emanates from creation itself. Others invite us to praise God for creation.

The Birthing of a New Community
This unit has four lessons from Galatians that show us how God's creative process can be seen through the birthing of a new faith community with Jesus Christ as its foundation. The lessons address the importance of spiritual freedom, cooperation, and righteous living in building and maintaining the community.

Developed for use with the student book based on the Uniform Series, this leader resource provides a wealth of information, planning ideas, and lesson guides for each of the 13 lessons in the quarter. This resource includes detailed study of the biblical text, suggestions for developing lessons, teaching options, maps, and charts. It features articles that explore biblical themes related to the passages studied in the lessons. Available in regular print, as a downloadable file or an eBook.

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Supplemental Resources
Free supplemental resources related to each lesson enhance teacher preparation and small group participation.

Current Events Supplement
The free Current Events Supplement offers a way to connect each week's lesson to a timely event or topic in the news. The supplements can enhance all resources using the Uniform Series.

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Asbury Theological Seminary

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