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Adult Bible Studies Fall 2015 Teacher - eBook
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Product Description
▼▲Based on the Uniform Series, Adult Bible Studies is a quarterly study that explores the biblical message and how to apply it to daily life. The curriculum helps adults move from a focus on the Word to reflection on personal, family, church, and community concerns. Lessons are Bible-based, Christ-focused, and United Methodist - approved curriculum for use in adult Sunday school classes, mid-week Bible study, and small-group studies.
This fall, Adult Bible Study presents a series of readings following the theme "The Christian Community Comes Alive." Readings come primarily from the Book of Acts and focus on the beginnings of the Christian church; the boldness with which Jesus' followers testified to their faith; and the ways the gospel spread among the Jews and then the Gentiles.
Product Information
▼▲Title: Adult Bible Studies Fall 2015 Teacher - eBook By: Timothy L. Bryan Format: DRM Protected ePub Vendor: Cokesbury | Publication Date: 2015 ISBN: 9781501805615 ISBN-13: 9781501805615 Stock No: WW75968EB |
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Publisher's Description
▼▲This fall, lessons in ADULT BIBLE STUDIES Teacher follow the theme, "The Christian Community Comes Alive." The student book writer is Bill Carter; Tim Bryan is the writer for the teacher book.
Unit 1
Seeds of New Growth
The quarters first four lessons follow the early Christians as they, guided by the Holy Spirit, formed a faith community, prayed with boldness, shared their possessions, witnessed to the truth of Jesus Christ, and stood firm in the face of opposition.
- Praying for One Another (Acts 4:23-31)
- Sharing All Things (Acts 4:345:10)
- Witnessing to the Truth (Acts 5:27-29, 33-42)
- Remembering God's Faithfulness (Acts 7:2-4, 8-10, 17, 33-34, 45-47, 53)
Unit 2
Giving Bold Testimony
The four lessons in this unit continue to follow the development of the early church as Jesus followers proclaimed the source of true power, preached and taught faithfully about Jesus, earned the right to be heard, took risks for the sake of the gospel, and trusted Gods Spirit to lead and empower them.
- The Spirit Is Not for Sale (Acts 8:9-24)
- Saul Earns Credibility (Acts 9:19-31)
- Peter Takes a Risk (Acts 10:24-38)
- Trusting the Spirit (Acts 11:1-18)
Unit 3
Spreading the Gospel
The five lessons that conclude this quarters study recall Peters deliverance from prison; the appearance of Paul and Barnabas before the Jerusalem Council; the spread of the gospel from Derbe to Philippi, then to Thessalonica, Beroea, and Athens; and Pauls visits to Corinth, Syria, and Ephesus.
- God Rescues Peter (Acts 12:1-11)
- God Makes No Distinction (Acts 15:1-12)
- From Derbe to Philippi (Acts 16:1-5, 8-15)
- Thessalonica, Beroea, and Athens (Acts 17:1-4, 10-12, 22-25, 28)
- Teaching God's Word (Acts 18:1-11, 18-21)
Hundreds of thousands of students and teachers use ADULT BIBLE STUDIES each week in Sunday school classes, mid-week Bible studies, and other small group settings. Bible-based and Christ-focused, it is an approved resource by the General Board of Discipleship of the United Methodist Church. It is published quarterly.
Developed for use with the student book based on the Uniform Series, this leader resource provides a wealth of information, planning ideas, and lesson guides for each of the 13 lessons in the quarter. This resource includes detailed study of the biblical text, suggestions for developing lessons, teaching options, maps, and charts. It features articles that explore biblical themes related to the passages studied in the lessons. Available in regular print, as a downloadable file or an eBook.
Each weeks lesson includes:
- A purpose statement offering focus and direction for the lesson.
- Printed biblical text from The Common English Bible.
- Verse-by-verse commentary on the biblical text.
- Detailed lesson plans, questions, and small-group activities that aid teachers in leading their classes to deeper understandings and applications of biblical truths.
Free Extras!All found at adultbiblestudies.com
Supplemental Resources
Free supplemental resources related to each lesson enhance teacher preparation and small group participation.
Current Events Supplement
The free Current Events Supplement offers a way to connect each weeks lesson to a timely event or topic in the news. The supplements can enhance all resources using the Uniform Series.
Register for the Forums at adultbiblestudies.com, and you can post and read comments about the lessons from other readers.
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