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Activating the Power of the Cross / New edition - eBook
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Product Information
▼▲Title: Activating the Power of the Cross / New edition - eBook By: Tony Evans Format: DRM Protected ePub Vendor: Moody Publishers | Publication Date: 2012 ISBN: 9780802487100 ISBN-13: 9780802487100 Stock No: WW35616EB |
Publisher's Description
▼▲You've got to activate the power to experience the power.
What would happen if our phones and computers ran out of power and couldn't be recharged? They would still have everything necessary to provide us with what we use them for, but without power theyd be useless.
There is something more powerful than the technology we use each day. And it has an even greater capacity to positively impact and enrich our lives in every way. Yet it is an untapped, frequently inactivated resource. That something is the cross.
In this book, Dr. Tony Evans will help you understand how to activate the power of the cross, gaining access to all of the benefits, blessings, and power contained within it and through it, so that you can live the empowered and victorious life God intended.
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