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ACSI Mathematics Teacher's Edition--Grade 1 (2nd Edition)
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Product Description
▼▲This teacher's edition is designed to be used with the ACSI Purposeful Design Mathematics Grade 1 student worktext 2nd Edition (not included and sold-separately).
Each lesson plan contains reduced-size student pages with the correct answers overlaid. The margins contain the rest of the extensive teacher notes, including the lesson objective, new vocabulary (if applicable), how to prepare to teach the lesson, and an extension suggestion. The lesson itself is comprised of a worldview section (in some chapters), an introduction with semi-scripted questions (and answers in parenthesis), directed instruction, and a lesson review. An overview of the course, instructions on how to prepare and teach a lesson, and a scope & sequence are provided. 412 pages, indexed, spiralbound with soft front-cover and hard back-cover. Oversized; 10"W x 12"H. Grade 1. A link to supplemental material downloads (blackline masters, transparency masters, memory masters, PowerPoints, and Test Banks) is also included. 2nd Edition.
Product Information
▼▲Title: ACSI Mathematics Teacher's Edition--Grade 1 (2nd Edition) Format: Spiral Bound Vendor: Purposeful Design Publication Date: 2015 Weight: 3 pounds | ISBN: 1583315780 ISBN-13: 9781583315788 Series: ACSI Math Stock No: WW315783 |
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