Faith across the Multiverse: Parables from Modern Science - eBook
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Faith across the Multiverse: Parables from Modern Science - eBook  -     By: Andy Walsh

Faith across the Multiverse: Parables from Modern Science - eBook

Hendrickson Publishers / 2022 / ePub

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Product Description

Science is often presented as a set of propositions to affirm. On those terms, the existence of God becomes yet another such proposition, and all science can offer is a yes or a no. Andy Walsh thinks science offers more.

By enriching our language with new concepts, science can help us know God, rather than merely know of him. This is the pattern established in the Bible; the psalmists, the prophets, the epistle writers, they all use language about nature to help us understand God. Even Jesus relied on metaphors from the natural world when he wanted to explain the kingdom of God.

Faith across the Multiverse explores concepts from contemporary science to illuminate scripture and reveal more about the God who has unfurled the multiverse. Sections of the book cover metaphors and parables from mathematics, physics, biology, and computer science.

Product Information

Title: Faith across the Multiverse: Parables from Modern Science - eBook
By: Andy Walsh
Format: DRM Protected ePub
Vendor: Hendrickson Publishers
Publication Date: 2022
ISBN: 9781683072263
ISBN-13: 9781683072263
Stock No: WW124156EB

Author Bio

Andy Walsh completed his postdoctoral fellowship at Carnegie Mellon University in computational biology with a focus on viral evolution. He earned a PhD in molecular microbiology and immunology from the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University, where his research ranged from laboratory and field biology to statistical and computational analysis. Andy serves as science writer for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship's Emerging Scholars blog, where he contributes weekly articles on science and faith. His writing can also be found on the Patheos network and in The Behemoth, a Christianity Today publication.


"Every once in a while, a book comes along that breaks out of all categories. It just doesn't fit. It makes you laugh and argue and wonder and worship. The writing is clever, generating chuckles on a regular basis. The cultural and theological references sprinkled throughout excite. And the insights are so frequent you wonder how any one person could combine so many great ideas in such creative ways! Andy Walsh's book - the book you're holding right now - is a category breaker. I heartily recommend it!"
- Thomas Jay Oord, author of The Uncontrolling Love of God

"Andy Walsh is an expert at communicating across multiple disciplines. By combining images from science, faith and popular culture, he has done a brilliant job of bringing to life and shedding light on some notoriously difficult concepts."
- Barry Luokkala, Teaching Professor of Physics, Carnegie Mellon University

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