According to Your Word: Morning and Evening Through the New Testament, A Collection of Devotional Journals 1940-1941 - eBook
Stock No: WW6957EB
According to Your Word: Morning and Evening Through the New Testament, A Collection of Devotional Journals 1940-1941 - eBook  -     By: Stephen F. Olford, Heather Olford

According to Your Word: Morning and Evening Through the New Testament, A Collection of Devotional Journals 1940-1941 - eBook

B&H Books / 2008 / ePub

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Stock No: WW6957EB

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Stock No: WW6957EB
B&H Books / 2008 / ePub
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Product Description

Billy Graham said of Olford, "Dr. Stephen Olford was unquestionably one of the most refreshingly radiant Christians I have known. He exemplified in his personal life everything the apostle Paul meant when he spoke of the 'fruit of the Spirit.'" Olford lived in Wales during the difficult years of World War II. Every morning and evening he wrote in his journal reflecting on passages from the New Testament. These inspiring meditations have become "According to your Word." Let these passionate and insightful devotions become part of your morning or evening.

Product Information

Title: According to Your Word: Morning and Evening Through the New Testament, A Collection of Devotional Journals 1940-1941 - eBook
By: Stephen F. Olford, Heather Olford
Format: DRM Free ePub
Vendor: B&H Books
Publication Date: 2008
ISBN: 9780805449426
ISBN-13: 9780805449426
Stock No: WW6957EB

Publisher's Description

Late pastor Stephen Olford, often called "the preacher’s preacher" and a great influence upon Billy Graham, was just twenty-two years old in 1940 when he began a unique devotional study of the New Testament. Living in Wales amidst the intense turmoil of World War II, Olford commenced reading and writing every day and night about each chapter from Matthew 1 through Revelation 22.

Nearly seventy years later and four years after his passing, Olford’s quiet time notes are gathered in According to Your Word, a remarkably focused collection of 260 devotions that are uncommonly passionate, historical, and sure to inspire all who will read them now.

Author Bio

Stephen F. Olford (1918 - 2004) was an internationally known minister, born in Zambia and serving churches from England to New York City. Often called "the preacher’s preacher," he influenced countless lives, including his longtime friend, Dr. Billy Graham. He also pioneered the "Encounter" radio program and Olford Ministries International, both of which continue today.

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