Abingdon New Testament Commentary - James - eBook
Stock No: WW28606EB
Abingdon New Testament Commentary - James - eBook  -     By: Freeman Sleeper

Abingdon New Testament Commentary - James - eBook

Abingdon Press / 2011 / ePub

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Stock No: WW28606EB

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Stock No: WW28606EB
Abingdon Press / 2011 / ePub
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Product Description

C. Freeman Sleeper's lucid exposition of James restores this often neglected work to its rightful place in the Christian canon. Carefully charting the verbal structures and argument of the letter, he demonstrates that it is a coherent piece of moral teaching intended to encourage the development of Christian character, not just a collection of disparate maxims. As he guides the reader through the letter's basic themes, Sleeper is attentive to its echoes in the Old Testament, Hellenistic Jewish wisdom literature, and sayings of Jesus, as well as to its affinities with other Christian writings. Moreover, he shows that the author's understanding of God and of human nature provides a significant theological foundation for practical wisdom about the Christain moral life.

Product Information

Title: Abingdon New Testament Commentary - James - eBook
By: Freeman Sleeper
Format: DRM Protected ePub
Vendor: Abingdon Press
Publication Date: 2011
ISBN: 9781426750427
ISBN-13: 9781426750427
Series: Abingdon Commentaries
Stock No: WW28606EB

Publisher's Description

Sleeper's lucid exposition of James restores this often neglected work to its rightful place in the Christian canon.

Carefully charting the verbal structures and argument of the letter, he demonstrates that it is a coherent piece of moral teaching intended to encourage the development of Christian character, not just a collection of disparate maxims. As he guides the reader through the letter's basic themes, Sleeper is attentive to its echoes in the Old Testament, Hellenistic Jewish wisdom literature, and sayings of Jesus, as well as to its affinities with other Christian writings. Moreover, he shows that the author's understanding of God and of human nature provides a significant theological foundation for practical wisdom about the Christian moral life.

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