A Short Introduction to Hermeneutics
Stock No: WW227511
A Short Introduction to Hermeneutics  -     By: David Jasper

A Short Introduction to Hermeneutics

Westminster John Knox Press / 2004 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW227511

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Stock No: WW227511
Westminster John Knox Press / 2004 / Paperback

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Product Description

An outstanding introduction to biblical interpretation, from the patristic period to the present day. Clear, accessible, and authoritative, Jasper's survey examines philosophical issues underlying the development of textual interpretation, as well as providing a theoretical framework for understanding hermeneutics in different faith traditions. Includes questions for reflection and discussion. 160 pages, softcover from Westminster John Knox.

Product Information

Title: A Short Introduction to Hermeneutics
By: David Jasper
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 148
Vendor: Westminster John Knox Press
Publication Date: 2004
Dimensions: 8.50 X 5.50 (inches)
Weight: 7 ounces
ISBN: 0664227511
ISBN-13: 9780664227517
Stock No: WW227511

Publisher's Description

Hermeneutics defines the rules used to search out the meaning of Scripture. Throughout church history, interpreters have approached biblical interpretation in different ways, using different tools and methods. This book conveniently and accessibly surveys major biblical interpreters and approaches to hermeneutics from the patristic period to the present days. It provides a theoretical basis for understanding the processes of hermeneutics in different faith traditions.

Author Bio

David Jasper is Professor in Literature and Theology at the University of Glasgow in Scotland. He is coeditor of Religion and Literature and coauthor of The Oxford Handbook of English Literature and Theology.

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