A Short History of Seafaring - eBook
Stock No: WW129258EB
A Short History of Seafaring - eBook  -

A Short History of Seafaring - eBook

DK / 2025 / ePub

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Stock No: WW129258EB

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Stock No: WW129258EB
DK / 2025 / ePub

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Product Description

The DK A Short History Of. . . series features fascinating histories of unique topics that bring you into the story of the advancement of human knowledge!

A Short History of Seafaring tells the amazing stories of the sailors who set out from shore and ventured their lives out on the vast blue waves of the ocean. Learn about the early Polynesian seafarers and the first full circumnavigation of the globe, the explorers who went to the coral reefs of the West Indes, the European discovery of America, the establishment of the British Royal Navy, the naval history of the Civil War, modern piracy, and more! This book is a unique collection of epic sea voyages that always involve great feats of seamanship, navigation, endurance, and ingenuity. 400 pages, softcover.

Product Information

Title: A Short History of Seafaring - eBook
Format: DRM Protected ePub
Vendor: DK
Publication Date: 2025
ISBN: 9780744020694
ISBN-13: 9780744020694
Series: DK Short Histories
Stock No: WW129258EB

Publisher's Description

For more than 5,000 years, the sea has challenged, rewarded, and punished the brave sailors who set forth to explore it.

This history of the sea and sailing tells the remarkable story of those individuals--whether they lived to tell the tale themselves or not.

From the early Polynesian seafarers and the first full circumnavigations of the globe, to explorers picking their way through the coral reefs of the West Indies, this book tells the compelling story of life at sea that lies behind man's search for new lands, new trade, conquest, and uncharted waters.

The great milestones of nautical history from the discovery of America to the establishment of the Royal Navy, the naval history of the Civil War, the Battle of Midway and modern piracy are all charted and set in their cultural and historical context.

A Short History of Seafaring is a unique compendium of awe-inspiring tales of epic sea voyages that always involve great feats of seamanship, navigation, endurance, and ingenuity.

Author Bio

Brian Lavery is Curator Emeritus at the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich, England, and author of more than 30 books on ships and seafaring. As a highly respected maritime historian, he was consultant on the film Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, and advised on the replica of Captain Cook's Endeavour.

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