A Look Through My Eyes
Stock No: WW157856
A Look Through My Eyes  -     By: Everard Knights

A Look Through My Eyes

Xulon Press / 2011 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW157856

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Stock No: WW157856
Xulon Press / 2011 / Paperback

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Product Information

Title: A Look Through My Eyes
By: Everard Knights
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 314
Vendor: Xulon Press
Publication Date: 2011
Dimensions: 5.98 X 9.02 X 0.61 (inches)
Weight: 14 ounces
ISBN: 1612157858
ISBN-13: 9781612157856
Stock No: WW157856

Publisher's Description

The book tells the story about a family and the fears that we encountered as we lived in silence to avoid shame and the possibility of financial destitution through our silent journeys through three different countries. The book speaks about honor and friendship and the feeling you get from doing what you believe is right. It points out the cruelty of man kind and how even the closest to you can be cruel and without feelings. You will learn how some times a decision must be made as a result off death threats and physical violence. By being exposed to death and violence at a very young age sometimes leaves the person in a desensitized way. You'll have an opportunity to learn of the abuse I suffered and the mental and physical abuse both my mother and I suffered. I challenge anyone that reads this book to not learn from what they've read and not to be more vigilant in making sure that there children are safe and not too have too wear a self conscious mask each morning and every night. The events which is spoken off is true and may be painful to digest however I believe it also shows how one can change their life with the strength and belief in the lord. Please read and give whatever help you can to anyone that you may believe that's living within a mask. Enjoy.

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