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Arranged by classification order, animals are divided into the distinctions given in Genesis--wild animals, livestock and "creatures that creep." Each chapter is packed full of interesting facts and notes, characteristics, differences between species, habits, habitats, bright photographs and more fun information that kids will love to learn. Factor in interdisciplinary skills by keeping records of where each animal is located on a map, narration questions, notebooking, tracking tips, and numerous household, hands-on experiments and projects. Answers are organized by chapter, with both the student question (in bold) and answer included. 288 indexed pages, hardcover. Elementary grades.
Title: Land Animals of the Sixth Day: Exploring Creation with Zoology 3 By: Jeannie K. Fulbright Format: Hardcover Number of Pages: 288 Vendor: Apologia Educational Ministries Publication Date: 2008 | Weight: 2 pounds 5 ounces ISBN: 1932012850 ISBN-13: 9781932012859 Series: Young Explorer Stock No: WW337013 |
This book is designed to be used with Kindergarten through Grade 6. If your student is advanced he should be able to progress through the book fairly quickly, but should be able to get a lot of great information from it. You can help him get more out of the curriculum by supplementing with a Lapbook or Notebooking Journal.
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