Walls, Brawls, and the Great Rebellion - eBook
Stock No: WW3836EB
Walls, Brawls, and the Great Rebellion - eBook  -     By: N. Averdonz, Bud Rogers, Brett Burner

Walls, Brawls, and the Great Rebellion - eBook

Zondervan / 2010 / ePub

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Stock No: WW3836EB

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Stock No: WW3836EB
Zondervan / 2010 / ePub
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Product Description

At a breakneck pace, this volume covers the myriad stories in Numbers, Joshua, Judges and Ruth. It begins with the last days of Moses and the installation of Joshua as Israel's leader and moves through Joshua's campaigns and conquest of the Holy Land, through many of the judges (Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Deborah, Gideon, Jephthah, Samson) and the Benjamite rebellion, and ends with the story of Ruth. Comically but respectfully presented, but in no way designed as a replacement for actual Bible reading, this series illustrates both well-known and lesser-known stories from the Bible in an engaging and amusing way. Recommended for ages 9 to 11.

Product Information

Title: Walls, Brawls, and the Great Rebellion - eBook
By: N. Averdonz, Bud Rogers, Brett Burner
Format: DRM Protected ePub
Vendor: Zondervan
Publication Date: 2010
ISBN: 9780310864585
ISBN-13: 9780310864585
UPC: 025986864583
Ages: 9-12
Series: Manga Bible
Stock No: WW3836EB

Publisher's Description

God is Splitting the Ground Open---with a Ka-Boooom! You've never watched the earth open up like this or heard the wall of Jericho fall so loudly. From Numbers to Ruth, Walls, Brawls, and the Great Rebellion gives a whole new look to Old Testament books. It's manga style, where cool artwork, lots of humor, and awesome sound effects keep the action moving, and everyone talks in word bubbles. Has learning important truths from the Bible ever been more exciting and fun?

Author Bio

Bud Rogers is a cartoonist and editor and has been very active in the Christian comics community for the past fifteen years. Bud uses his organizational and management skills to assist artists and writers in realizing their creative visions.

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