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Desired: The Untold Story of Samson and Delilah - eBook
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▼▲Product Information
▼▲Title: Desired: The Untold Story of Samson and Delilah - eBook By: Ginger Garrett Format: DRM Free ePub Vendor: David C Cook Publication Date: 2011 | ISBN: 9780781407892 ISBN-13: 9780781407892 Series: Lost Loves of the Bible Stock No: WW27059EB |
Publisher's Description
▼▲Author Bio
▼▲Ginger Garrett is the critically acclaimed author of Chosen: The Lost Diaries of Queen Esther, which was recognized as one of the top five novels of 2006 by the ECPA, and Dark Hour. An expert in ancient women's history, Ginger creates novels and nonfiction resources that explore the lives of historical women. A frequent media guest and television host, Ginger has been interviewed by The New York Times, NPR, Billy Graham's The Hour of Decision," The Harvest Show, Fox News, and many other outlets.
In 2007, Ginger was nominated for the Georgia Author of the Year Award for her novel Dark Hour. A graduate of Southern Methodist University with a degree in theater, she is passionate about creating art from history. You can learn more about Ginger and her work by visiting www.gingergarrett.com
▼▲The two Philistine women are given stories that make them relatable characters with breakable hearts, while Samson gets a harsh, dark image. Samson has a strong will, and he believes God wants him to marry the two women who fall into his path. Within his relationship with each woman, Samson possesses a gentle, loving nature, but he also throws aside his protesting mother and dying father to follow his own desires. And after Amara (Samson's unnamed Philistine wife of Judges 14:1) tricks Samson into revealing the answer to the riddle he told in a bet, Samson's mother witnesses him brutally kill 30 Philistines and deliver their bloody clothes to those he made the bet with as payment for his loss. Suddenly, God's prophet does not match up with his mother's ideal of a savior. Samson's deeds lead to the deaths of Amara and her family, as well, and when Delilah comes his way, his reputation precedes him.
But in Garrett's version of events, Delilah is not the seductress or fervent Dagon worshipper most perceive her as. Samson must seduce the strong-willed Delilah, who has quite the story to tell. As a young girl, Delilah dealt with family rejection due to her female status and rape because of her beauty. Unexpected events led her to the temple, where she faced the harsh reality of the world that shaped her into an independent woman with boundaries to block out hurt and foster only what brings personal gain. This Delilah cares little for Dagon. When she finally meets Samson, the tempting offer of wealth makes her decision to betray him for her.
Garrett gives Desired a redemptive ending, however, and as Samson meets his destiny, Delilah meets her true Lord through faith. This conclusion does not appear in the Bible, but Garrett thinks positively as she gives readers reason to relate to these broken women. Amara, too, is presented in a positive light as one who would do anything to help her family survive. The chapters told by Samsons mother are short and leave little time to get to know her, but provide the extra perspective on Samsons character needed to make the story complete.
Garrett's writing lacks that page-turner quality, but her story presents enough interesting twists and changes to keep the reader going. Garrett uses incredible historical detail, which must have required much time-consuming research on her part. Ultimately, Desired stays true to the theme that resonates with every Christian: man is fallen and makes mistakes, but God is powerful and will uses mans faults for His glorious purposes. No one is beyond redemption. Garrett appropriately sums her message up with Hebrews 11:32-24 at the end of her book: "And what more shall I say? I do not have time to tell about Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel and the prophets, who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions, quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies." Harmony Wheeler, www.Christianbookpreviews.com
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