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Discover 4 Yourself, Children's Bible Study Series: Joseph-God's Superhero (Genesis 37-50)
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Product Description
▼▲Product Information
▼▲Title: Discover 4 Yourself, Children's Bible Study Series: Joseph-God's Superhero (Genesis 37-50) By: Kay Arthur, Janna Arndt Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 128 Vendor: Harvest House Publishers Publication Date: 2002 Dimensions: 9 X 7 (inches) | Weight: 9 ounces ISBN: 0736907394 ISBN-13: 9780736907392 Ages: 8-12 Series: Discover 4 Yourself Inductive Bible Studies for Kids Stock No: WW07394 |
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Publisher's Description
▼▲The Discover 4 Yourself Bible Studies series for kids ages 9-12, combines a serious commitment to Bible study with fun and memorable games, puzzles, and activities to reinforce biblical truth. Each study is divided into daily lessons built around an in-depth, inductive study of a book or character of the Bible. Any young person who works through these studies will emerge with a richer appreciation of the Word of God and a deeper understanding of God's love and care for them.
JosephGod's Superhero teaches children an extraordinary truth: God chooses ordinary people to become his super heroes. In the first of three characters studies in the Discover 4 Yourself series, kids will watch Joseph as he grows through some pretty amazing struggles. What would it be like to be sold as a slave and shipped off to another country by your own brothers? Later, when Joseph, meets up with his betraying brothers, will he take revenge? When hes thrown into prison for something he didnt do, how will he handle the unfairness? When hes second only to Pharaoh as the ruler of Egypt, will success go to his head?
Joseph had to deal with a life of ups and down, and God taught him how to handle them all. Now its our turn to learn!
Author Bio
▼▲Kay Arthur is a four-time Gold Medallion award-winning author, member of NRB Hall of Fame, and beloved international Bible teacher. She and her husband, Jack, cofounded Precept Ministries International to teach people how to discover truth through inductive study. Precept provides teaching and training through study books, TV and radio programs, the Internet, and conferences in over 180 countries and 70 languages.
Janna Arndt, coauthor of the Discover 4 Yourself® series, including How To Study Your Bible For Kids, Wrong Way, Jonah!, and Boy, Have I Got Problems! is a Bible teacher, and children's trainer for Precept Ministries International, a ministry committed to teaching people of all ages how to study the Bible for themselves. Janna conducts workshops to help people use the interactive Discover 4 Yourself® Bible Studies in Sunday school, home school environments, and Christian schools. Janna's heart is for children to know and love God's Word.
Ask a Question
▼▲Q: About how long does it tale to complete this book? Some of the books say 5 lessons a week for 4 weeks, but this doesn't say. I also read the some of the books are set up for 7 lessons a week. I'm trying to plan our home-school year and this information would be very helpful.. Thanks! :)
This book is set up to be completed in 4 weeks. Each week features 5 days of lessons.
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