Weatherproof Your Home...Against the Storms of Life: Doing God's Word, God's Way
Stock No: WW321817
Weatherproof Your Home...Against the Storms of Life: Doing God's Word, God's Way  -     By: Donna Best

Weatherproof Your Home...Against the Storms of Life: Doing God's Word, God's Way

Redemption Press / 2014 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW321817

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Redemption Press / 2014 / Paperback

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Product Information

Title: Weatherproof Your Home...Against the Storms of Life: Doing God's Word, God's Way
By: Donna Best
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 192
Vendor: Redemption Press
Publication Date: 2014
Dimensions: 9.00 X 6.00 X 0.41 (inches)
Weight: 2 pounds
ISBN: 1632321815
ISBN-13: 9781632321817
Stock No: WW321817

Author/Artist Review

Author: Donna Best
Located in: Evans City, PA
Submitted: July 03, 2014

    Tell us a little about yourself.  Hi, I’m Donna Best! I serve in the body of Christ as a Bible teacher and speaker for women's events, seminars, and retreats. In 2008, I founded Weatherproof Ministries to uphold the authority of Scripture through biblical teaching that promotes repentance and restoration to women in the body of Christ. On a more personal note, I have been married to my husband Larry for over 40 years. We are blessed to have two adult children and five granddaughters that enrich our lives on a daily basis.

    What was your motivation behind this project?  Contained in the pages of this book is a message of hope and healing as God moves to restore families within the body of Christ. Christian families today look no different from non-Christian families. The divorce rate is the same, our children are broken, and addictions are rampant. We have become cultural Christians, adopting the ways of our culture instead of transforming it. We have not built our homes on the Rock; we have not put Christ’s words into practice. My hope is that, by sharing the process of repentance and restoration that the Lord led me through, other women will experience the same healing and freedom I’ve been blessed to enjoy. More importantly, I pray that as the world experiences ever worsening turmoil, many will look at the stability of our lives—a stability they cannot comprehend—and want what we have.

    What do you hope folks will gain from this project?  Deeply rooted in every woman's heart is the longing for family stability. But wanting it and having it are two different things. Many women have unresolved issues from their past that contribute to the dysfunction in their homes today. In "Weatherproof Your Home...Against the Storms of Life," I present biblical principles which free us from self-defeating attitudes and behaviors and set us on a course that can positively affect our families for generations to come. Using intimate examples of failure and redemption in my own life, I lead the reader through a clearly defined process of restoration to help others become a catalyst for healing in their own families.

    Anything else you'd like readers / listeners to know:  Since real transformation takes place over time and in relationship with others, the book includes a suggested Bible study format, small group discussion questions at the end of each chapter, and guidance for facilitators.

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