Dirty Girls Come Clean
Stock No: WW463005
Dirty Girls Come Clean  -     By: Crystal Renaud

Dirty Girls Come Clean

Moody Publishers / 2011 / Paperback

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Moody Publishers / 2011 / Paperback

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Product Description

Addiction to pornography is not just a man's problem---it's also a woman's battle. Sharing her own struggle with sexual addiction, Renaud helps you break the bonds of alienation and shame and experience freedom. Discover how to surrender to God, practice confession, embrace accountability, take responsibility, and share your path to healing with others. 128 pages.

Product Information

Title: Dirty Girls Come Clean
By: Crystal Renaud
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 128
Vendor: Moody Publishers
Publication Date: 2011
Dimensions: 7.00 X 5.50 X 0.37 (inches)
Weight: 6 ounces
ISBN: 0802463002
ISBN-13: 9780802463005
Stock No: WW463005

Publisher's Description

You are not alone.

The sexual addictions of pornography and masturbation are not just men’s issues. They’re women’s issues, too. Research shows that 25% of Christian women are addicted to pornography. But 70% of these women will never admit their struggle.

In Dirty Girls Come Clean, Crystal Renaud aims to change these statistics and help you gain freedom from sexual addiction.

Why This Book?

So often, ministries and tools for overcoming these sexual addictions are more accessible to men than they are to women. Even if these ministries and tools were accessible to women, they may not be as effective in giving freedom because women turn to pornography for different reasons than men do.

Women need a resource crafted specifically for them.

A Trusted Source

Crystal, founder of Dirty Girls Ministries and AACC certified counselor, comes clean first. Her story of addiction to pornography began when she was 10 years old and continued and intensified for eight years.

During this time of sexual addiction, Crystal deceived and withdrew. She came to know shame intimately, and she thought she was alone in her struggle.

After coming clean about her sexual addiction, Crystal also includes stories of other women who have come clean about theirs.

A Plan for Freedom

Crystal is determined to help women come clean and, by God’s grace and power, get free.

Addressing both the sexual addictions themselves as well as underlying issues that cause them, Crystal provides a plan for freedom using the acronym SCARS.

  • S—Surrender: Trusting the Healer
  • C—Confession: Out of the Darkness
  • A—Accountability: Restoring Our Character
  • R—Responsibility: Owning My Part of the Story
  • S—Sharing: God Never Wastes an Experience

In addition to her plan for freedom from sexual addiction, Crystal provides other resources such as: personal inventories, the twelve steps of sexaholics anonymous, online accountability programs, other books, and links to recovery groups.

Join Crystal and many others who have claimed freedom from sexual addiction. Now is your time to come clean and be free.

"With the recent release of Crystal’s book Dirty Girls Come Clean women now have the tools they need to fight a battle that many assume only ensnares men.

I can only imagine what kind of hope and encouragement this book is going to offer women who have believed for years, decades, that they were the only ones struggling and there was no hope for them."

-Book review by Marsha Fisher on porntopurity.com

An Excerpt from the First Chapter:

This book is for you, the woman who feels alone in addiction to pornography. I don’t believe in coincidences. This book is in your hands because God wants to speak some truth to you, and, for whatever reason, He’s chosen to use this book to do so.

The dark cloud of this addiction is far-reaching. Pornography addiction knows no path other than one of destruction, isolation, and suffocation. Pornography addiction knows no creed. Pornography addiction knows no gender.

We are all sexual beings. If not, you and I would not be living on this earth. So to believe that pornography can only be a man’s problem is not only false, but it is an ignorant lie that comes from the enemy.

The enemy, Satan, deceived Even in the garden of Eden by convincing her that if she ate the forbidden fruit, she would be like God. She in turn offered Adam the fruit, he took some, and as a result of their disobedience, they were expelled from the beautiful garden where they had enjoyed perfect fellowship with God. Satan’s goal was to destroy. And the enemy has been trying to destroy women ever since.

From the first bite of forbidden fruit to pornography addiction, the enemy will use whatever he can to deceive us and keep us ineffective for use in the kingdom of God.

May you find comfort in knowing that not only are you not alone in your struggle, but there is hope for breaking the stronghold of this addiction.

And that hope comes from Jesus.      

I write this book from a Christian point of view because it is my personal belief that Jesus is the reason I stand free from pornography today. But as I said, pornography addiction knows no creed. Pornography affects everyone. So it is my hope that the steps provided throughout this book will be beneficial to all women, from all walks of life.

You were created for so much more than this life you’ve been living. Life is to be lived abundantly. It is time to come on out from behind the bushes.

Life is waiting. 

Author Bio

CRYSTAL RENAUD DAY is a pastoral counselor, certified coach, author, and speaker with over a decade of experience working with women, couples, and teen girls. She holds a Master of Arts in Pastoral Counseling: Life Coaching from Liberty University and eight certifications in counseling and coaching specialties from the American Association of Christian Counselors. Crystal owns and operates Living on Purpose Coaching & Pastoral Counseling and is the founding director of Dirty Girls Ministries, a non-profit organization helping women overcome porn and sexual addiction. Her work has been featured in the New York Times, ABC News, CNN, Christianity Today, The 700 Club, Outreach Magazine, and more. Her books include Dirty Girls Come Clean, 90 Days to Wholeness, and Dating Done Right (releasing December 2019). Crystal resides in the Kansas City area with her husband Tim.

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