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The Insanity of God: A True Story of Faith Resurrected
Product Description
▼▲The Insanity of God is the personal and lifelong journey of an ordinary couple from rural Kentucky who thought they were going on just your ordinary missionary pilgrimage, but discovered it would be anything but. After spending over six hard years doing relief work in Somalia, and experiencing life where it looked like God had turned away completely and He was clueless about the tragedies of life, the couple had a crisis of faith and left Africa asking God, "Does the gospel work anywhere when it is really a hard place? It sure didn't work in Somalia.
Nik recalls that, “God had always been so real to me, to Ruth, and to our boys. But was He enough, for the utter weariness of soul I experienced at that time, in that place, under those circumstances?” It is a question that many have asked and one that, if answered, can lead us to a whole new world of faith.
Product Information
▼▲Title: The Insanity of God: A True Story of Faith Resurrected By: Nik Ripken, Gregg Lewis Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 384 Vendor: B&H Books Publication Date: 2013 | Dimensions: 9.00 X 6.00 X 0.99 (inches) Weight: 1 pound ISBN: 1433673088 ISBN-13: 9781433673085 Stock No: WW673085 |
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Publisher's Description
▼▲Nik recalls that, "God had always been so real to me, to Ruth, and to our boys. But was He enough, for the utter weariness of soul I experienced at that time, in that place, under those circumstances?" It is a question that many have asked and one that, if answered, can lead us to a whole new world of faith.
How does faith survive, let alone flourish in a place like the Middle East? How can good truly overcome such evil? How do you maintain hope when all is darkness around you? How can we say "greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world" when it may not be visibly true in that place at that time? How does anyone live an abundant, victorious Christian life in our worlds toughest places? Can Christianity even work outside of Western, dressed-up, ordered nations? If so, how?
The Insanity of God tells a storya remarkable and unique story to be sure, yet at heart a very human storyof the Ripkens own spiritual and emotional odyssey. The gripping, narrative account of a personal pilgrimage into some of the toughest places on earth, combined with sobering and insightful stories of the remarkable people of faith Nik and Ruth encountered on their journeys, will serve as a powerful course of revelation, growth, and challenge for anyone who wants to know whether God truly is enough.
Author Bio
▼▲Editorial Reviews
▼▲Daniel L. Akin
President, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
"What can I possibly say about this book? It completely and utterly wrecked me. Half the time I found myself sitting in heartbreaking silence on the verge of tears, and the other half I found myself want­ing to shout and dance over some of the stories. No one will read this book and be the same person after the last page. If you want a front row seat to the raw, potent, heart transforming power of Jesus, this book is a must read."
Jeff Bethke
Author, Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus
"This is a book that every well-meaning Christian ought to read. It gives the most comprehensive overview of what life is like for the true followers of Jesus who are willing to pay the whole price for following Him. Extremely touching at times. It makes you cry and it makes you laugh. But remember they are your brothers and mine. Therefore we have a responsibility of standing with them as part of the body of Christ worldwide."
Brother Andrew
Founder, Open Doors International
Author, Gods Smuggler and Secret Believers
"The Insanity of God is a compelling, convicting and life changing book. This true story grips you from the introduction and keeps you reading page after page. You will weep as you read about persecution around the world. You will fall under conviction as you read about the commitment of Christians in dark places who risk their own lives to share the good news of Jesus. You will be encouraged as you real­ize that the power of the gospel supersedes evil and the malevolent intentions of men. In the end you will come away with a renewed sense of faith in God who truly is enough, even in the face of extreme persecution."
Dr. Mac Brunson
Pastor, First Baptist Church Jacksonville, FL
"In his book, The Insanity of God, Nik Ripkin takes us on a journey of extreme emotional highs and lows to demonstrate that our lim­ited understanding of events in our lives is only one piece of Gods larger puzzle of fulfillment and salvation. This book puts our daily struggles into perspective and leaves us inspired and ready for the next challenge."
Dr. Ben Carson
Benjamin S. Carson, Sr., M.D. and Dr. Evelyn Spiro, R.N. Professor of Pediatric Neurosurgery, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
President and Cofounder, The Carson Scholars Fund
Author, Gifted Hands
John Eldredge
Author, Wild At Heart and Beautiful Outlaw
"We are in danger of rapidly losing what it means to feel compassion for those held in the grip of sin on this broken planet. After glancing at a few fleeting photos and hearing the usual review of "todays tragedies" on each evenings network news, we casually top off the evening with a little "weather and sports" before plodding off to an undisturbed sleep. But for Jesus, the very sight of those crushed beneath the boot of the Adversary was nothing short of gut-wrenching. He was compelled to do something about it! Now Nik Ripken takes you on a personal, real life journey with Jesus into the dark, back-alleys of human depravity where only Christs love can overcome. With remarkable clarity, this gifted writer transports you into a world where, through the blood-stained glass of persecution, the light of Christ shines brightly."
Tom Elliff
President, International Mission Board
"In The Insanity of God we are reminded of the power of the gospel to save using biographical sketches that most of us in the American church will struggle to comprehend. Deeply moving, intensely powerful and challenging describes the stories contained in these pages. I cannot rec­ommend it strongly enough. This book will help you walk closely with Jesus and challenge you to take great risks for the sake of His name."
Micah Fries
Lead Pastor, Frederick Boulevard, St. Joseph, MO
"Nik and Ruth Ripken have long been heroes of mine as I have watched and admired them from afar, drawing personal inspiration from their passion, faith, and resilience that comes from the Resurrection Lord they serve. More than once I have been encouraged to keep going, because they kept going, overcoming challenges that would crush lesser souls. In this, I am not alone. Around the world, I have met countless young missionaries who trace their pilgrimage back to the influence of Nik and Ruth.
The Insanity of God merges the Ripkens story with those of hun­dreds of other heroes of the faith who did not consider their present sufferings worth comparing to the glory that will one day be revealed in them. These stories bear telling, and hearing, and reproducing. You need to hear these stories that the Ripkins have rescued from this worlds prisons, gulags and shadows. I pray that they will do for you what they have done for me: encourage you to shake off your slumber and press on to the high calling that is ours in Christ Jesus."
David Garrison
Author, Church Planting Movements
"A touching, deeply stirring book about the seriousness of the Great Commission. This book rekindled my passion to do all that God is leading me to do for the nations, to expect and attempt great things. I am grateful for the grace that drips off every page of this great work."
J.D. Greear
Lead Pastor, The Summit Church
"If theres one thing many desire, its going deeper and knowing the God of the Bible intimately. When one takes the trip of following Jesus to the ends of the earth, having previously counted the cost, died to self, surrendered fully to His call, they may then know the reality of 2 Timothy 3:12, "all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suf­fer persecution." The Insanity of God will stretch you to new places of trusting God for the impossible in reaching the nations, at any cost."
Johnny Hunt
Pastor, First Baptist Church, Woodstock, GA
"In this life-changing book, Nik Ripken recounts his adventures as one who walked in faith, hoping against hope, obeying Gods call regard­less of its costs in hardships, pains, and bewilderments. To the list of the heroes of faith in Hebrews 11, we may add our contemporaries who took Gods Word seriously, and at any cost! I heartily recom­mend this epic story as a necessary "vitamin" to help Christians live out their faith in this terribly secular age, demonstrating that we walk by faith, and not by sight."
Bassam Michael Madany
Middle East Resources
"Nik Ripken has told a great story, and in doing so he has made it clear that the question every believer must answer is whether we have the courage to bear the consequences of obediently exercising our freedom to be salt and light to all peoples, wherever they live. Perhaps Nik has put it best when he says, 'Perhaps the question should not be, Why are others persecuted? Perhaps the better question is, Why are we not?'"
John Maxwell
"This is not a book. Its a soul earthquake. You dont read it as much as you experience it, and when its done with you, youll never be the same. Ripkens story is one of those that shows up once in a genera­tion, and everyone I know needs to read it. The Insanity of God may very well be the book of the century."
Johnnie Moore
Vice President, Liberty University
Author, Dirty God: Jesus in the Trenches
"Once I picked up The Insanity of God I literally could not put it down! After multiple occasions of participating in the Ripkens persecution workshops with our team at East-West Ministries, I thought I was prepared for what I was about to encounter in The Insanity of God. I was wrong. Nik Ripken is truly one of the best, most captivat­ing story tellers that I have ever met. In The Insanity of God, these stories literally come to life, carrying the reader on a dramatic, life-changing missionary journey with Nik and Ruthacross Africa and eventually around the world. But these are not simply their stories, these are Gods stories. Reading The Insanity of God led me to a wonderful, fresh encounter with Jesusand with His calling upon my life to 'go and make disciples of ALL nations,' especially those in greatest spiritual darkness where persecution of witness for Jesus is most intense. As I read these compelling stories of resurrected faith, I laughed out loud and I wept aloud as well. I felt as though I was right thereliterally witnessing each miraculous story unfold right before my eyes. These are Gods stories, powerful stories, like those recorded in the Book of Acts, played out in the lives of real, every day men and women all around the world. Men and women whose extraordinary faith in the resurrected Jesus enabled them to endure unspeakable per­secution and yet not lose heart. Most of all, these faithful believers did not allow their tormentors to silence their witness for Jesus and for His gospel. The Insanity of God ushers one into a fresh encounter with the Jesus and with the power of His resurrection, with the joy of being called to suffer for His Name, and with a compelling call to "Find Jesus! Find the gospel" and then to follow Him and serve Him with resurrection faith and resurrection obedience anywhere He leads."
Kurt Nelson
President and CEO
East-West Ministries International
"The Insanity of God is an incredible testimony to Gods power to overcome all forms of darkness. No matter your circumstances, you cannot help but be both impressed and overwhelmed with the view Nik Ripken gives us into the circumstances in which believers in per­secution live. Yet, this is also a book that is immensely personal as it challenges us all to consider the cost of complacency as compared to the reward of sacrifice. Read and be changed."
Frank S. Page
President, SBC Executive Committee
"If you think being a God-follower will make life safe and secure, buckle your seat belt. The Insanity of God will jolt you into a new reality and change your lifefor the better. Discover the thrill and adventure of following Jesus like you never have before! This book will awaken a new boldness in your spirit. Dont miss out on this amazing message!"
Drs. Les Parrott and Leslie Parrott
Authors, Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts
"The Insanity of God tells an incredible story of faith lived out in the most difficult of circumstances. It showcases the power and glory of God no matter the context, challenge, or opposition. The Ripkens havent just lived this story, they have been students at each step of the way, learning from those who have suffered most and sharing those lessons with all of us. As a result, you will not be the same person on the last page of this book as you were on the first. You will be struck anew with the unquenchable power of a great God to build His kingdom and bring glory to His name. May we read, may we learn, and may we go forward in the power of Him who brings light to the darkest of places!"
Thom S. Rainer
President, LifeWay Christian Resources
"Priorities: Survive or thrive? Peace or freedom? Death or life? Where can one find that Jesus is really enough? Read The Insanity of God and youll be surprised how your worldview might change. You might even pray for the persecution of the church by praying that believers in persecution will never stop loving and sharing Jesus. Insane . . ."
Steve Ridgway
CEO, Open Doors USA
"A captivating spiritual diary! Join a journey of discovery how God is spreading his kingdom in the midst of adversity, suffering and even the most atrocious persecution. It shares the experiences made in gathering the wisdom of 700 followers of Christ in 72 countries who are walking with Jesus in hard places. A challenge to radical disciple­ship! And a helpful source on how to cope with persecution."
Prof. Dr. Christof Sauer
International Institute for Religious Freedom
Editor, "Suffering, Persecution, and Martyrdom"
"Its true. Gods thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not our ways (Isa. 55:8). The Insanity of God is an account of Nik Ripkens life-long and very personal journey of discovery into the ways of God related to persecution and suffering. Youve heard that fish are not aware of the water they swim in. Nik chronicles how God has revealed to him the water we all swim in related to persecution in our sojourn in the Kingdom of God on this earth. 'All who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted' (2 Tim. 3:12). This book explains why. Just as a pearl is formed from a simple grain of sand with layer upon layer of deposits until it becomes a large and lustrous thing of beauty, God has worked in Niks life to reveal the beauty of His ways and thoughts which are different from our own. Inspiring. Engaging. Insightful."
Curtis Sergeant
International Mission Board
Director of Church Planting, Saddleback Church
"Jesus call to discipleship is to come and die. Few Christians take the call literally, but its not outside the realm of possibility given the cur­rent state of the persecuted church. Insanity of God is not for "safe" Christians, or those interested in pursuing comfort over the cross. Be warned, this book is a threat to mediocre, cautious, lukewarm faith."
Ed Stetzer
President, LifeWay Research
Author, Subversive Kingdom
"The Insanity of God is one of those rare books youll want to give to everyone you know. But you may feel the need to apologize to those you give it to, knowing it will shake their world! Give it to them any­way. Its message is one every believer needs to hear, and for those who are looking for evidence that God still loves this world, youll find it here."
Jeff Taylor
CEO, Open Doors International
"The Ripkens simple faith and willingness to follow Jesus wherever He said to "Go!" led them to wrestle with and discover some of the deep­est truths of the faith. In some of the darkest places on earth members of the persecuted church experience a fellowship with Christ and life in abundance that few of us have known. As a follower of Christ, a husband, a father, and a missionary I was alternately encouraged and convicted by what I read. I am humbled to call the people in the pages of this book my brothers and sisters. This is a book I will read again and again and share with others."
Ryan Williams
Executive Director, Leadership Development, Campus Ministry, CRU
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