Overcoming Emotions that Destroy: Practical Help for Those Angry Feelings That Ruin Relationships
Stock No: WW072390
Overcoming Emotions that Destroy: Practical Help for Those Angry Feelings That Ruin Relationships  -     By: Chip Ingram, Becca Johnson

Overcoming Emotions that Destroy: Practical Help for Those Angry Feelings That Ruin Relationships

Baker Books / 2010 / Paperback

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Product Description

Do tensions and day-to-day frustrations result in stressed interactions with your loved ones? Anger is an emotion we all can relate to. But anger does not have to be an uncontrolled, negative emotion. In Overcoming Emotions That Destroy, authors Chip Ingram and Dr. Becca Johnson offer encouragement and advice on how to identify your own anger profile---as either a spewer, leaker, or stuffer---and show you how to harness that anger so you can grow personally, relationally and spiritually.

Product Information

Title: Overcoming Emotions that Destroy: Practical Help for Those Angry Feelings That Ruin Relationships
By: Chip Ingram, Becca Johnson
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 272
Vendor: Baker Books
Publication Date: 2010
Dimensions: 8.50 X 5.50 (inches)
Weight: 12 ounces
ISBN: 0801072395
ISBN-13: 9780801072390
Stock No: WW072390

Publisher's Description

Well-known teacher and speaker Chip Ingram teams up with psychologist and author Dr. Becca Johnson in this encouraging and practical book, showing how many emotions lead to anger, and many emotions follow from it. Their message is clear: as we deal with our anger, we deal with the primary cause for all emotions that destroy.

Ingram and Johnson help readers identify whether they are spewers, leakers, or stuffers. Readers also learn the difference between good and bad anger, how to gain control of their anger, and how to direct it toward constructive ends. The authors cover solid biblical principles as well as the psychological aspects of our emotions, showing readers how they can actually be constructive tools used by God to transform lives and relationships. Counselors, pastors, and individual Christians will find this book a no-nonsense tool for handling destructive emotions in a healthy way. Now available in trade paper.

Author Bio

Chip Ingram is the founder and CEO of Living on the Edge, an international teaching and discipleship ministry. A pastor for over thirty-five years, Chip is the author of many books, including Discover Your True Self, Marriage That Works, Culture Shock, The Real Heaven, The Real God, The Invisible War, and Love, Sex, and Lasting Relationships. Chip and his wife, Theresa, have four grown children and twelve grandchildren and live in California.

Dr. Becca Johnson is a writer and speaker and has been a licensed psychologist for twenty years. She desires to help people overcome negative experiences and emotions in order to more fully enjoy God's amazing love. Johnson has also written books on guilt and child abuse. She conducts counselor training in ten different countries and is currently in private practice in Bellingham, Washington, where she lives with her husband, Lloyd, and their four children. The Johnsons have also served overseas as missionaries.

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