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99 Thoughts for Junior Highers
Product Description
▼▲Junior high truly is a season of ups and downs, of possibilities and confusion, of amazing memories and embarrassing moments. To get through it all, young teenagers sometimes just need a little help-or 99 bite-sized bits of help!
Mark Oestreicher and Brooklyn Lindsey-veteran youth pastors who've worked with middle schoolers for many years-have teamed up to create 99 Thoughts for Junior Highers, an insider's guide to the wild ride of early adolescence.
Students will explore nuggets of rich wisdom, including all the changes they're experiencing, figuring out what they believe, where God and church fit into the picture, how to best interact with family and friends, and deciding what really matters most in life. And they'll encounter true stories from both authors about their own junior high years!
Whether you're a parent or a youth worker, 99 Thoughts for Junior Highers will entertain, engage, and encourage the middle schooler in your life.
Product Information
▼▲Title: 99 Thoughts for Junior Highers By: Brooklyn Lindsey, Mark Oestreicher Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 133 Vendor: Group Publishing | Publication Date: 2013 Weight: 6 ounces ISBN: 1470710285 ISBN-13: 9781470710286 Stock No: WW710287 |
Publisher's Description
▼▲Junior high truly is a season of ups and downs, of possibilities and confusion, of amazing memories and embarrassing moments. To survive it all, you sometimes just need a little helpor 99 bite-sized bits of help!
Mark Oestreicher and Brooklyn Lindseyyouth pastors whove worked with people your age for a long, long timehave teamed up to create this insiders guide for this wild ride.
Theyll help as you examine the changes in your life, figure out what you believe, see where God and church fit into the picture, choose how to interact with family and friends, and decide what matters most in life. And youll read some true stories about the authors own junior high years!
99 Thoughts for Junior Highers will entertain, engage, and encourage you during this crazy season of life!
Author Bio
▼▲Mark Oestreicher (Marko) is a veteran youth worker and founding partner in The Youth Cartel, providing resources, training, and coaching for church youth workers. The author of dozens of books, including Youth Ministry 3.0, Marko is a sought-after speaker, writer, and consultant. Marko lives in San Diego with his wife, Jeannie, and two teenage children, Liesl and Max. Marko's blog: whyismarko.com.
Brooklyn became a youth pastor in 2001. She's authored six books, and shares with thousands of students and youth workers every year. Likes: pizza, dessert, bike riding, dressing up, and treasure hunting. She leads the middle school ministry at Highland Park Church of the Nazarene. Her greatest joy is raising her two little girls with her husband Coy.
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